Release Notes | Dreamweaver 2019

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Adobe Dreamweaver is the world’s most complete tool for web designers and front-end developers. It combines a powerful design surface and best-in-class code editor with robust site management tools, for you to easily design, code, and manage websites.

Fix for crash on launch

August 2019 release (version 19.2.1)

Dreamweaver's new update (version 19.2.1) fixes the issue of Dreamweaver (versions 19.0 to 19.2) crashing on new Windows and Mac devices when installed using Creative Cloud Desktop App version 4.9 and later.

Code formatting enhancements

June 2019 release (version 19.2)

Dreamweaver supports HTML code formatting within PHP documents as per rules set in Tag Libraries. For more information on how to customize HTML code formatting, see Tag Libraries. Also, you can now customize formatting rules for CSS, JS, and PHP code to suite your needs. For information on how to customize CSS, JS, and PHP code formatting, see Format code.

Bootstrap integration enhancement

April 2019 release (version 19.1)

Dreamweaver now has Bootstrap 3.4.1 and 4.3.1 versions integrated in 19.1 release. 

By default, a new site is created using Bootstrap version 4.3.1. After you create the document, you find the css, and js folders in the site root folder. However, if you want to create the site using Bootstrap version 3.4.1, you can use manage sites and settings. For Bootstrap version 3.4.1, you can see the css, js, and fonts folder in the site root folder.

For more information, see Design responsive websites using Bootstrap

Dialog to choose the Bootstrap version
Dialog to choose the Bootstrap version

October 2018 release (19.0)

When you open the October 2018 release of Dreamweaver for the first time, you see a new launch screen. You can search across files, recent files, Dreamweaver help, and stock images from this screen.

Some of the key features in October 2018 release are as follows: 

JS refactoring

With JavaScript Refactoring, you can now intelligently rename functions and variables with scope awareness. You can select a piece of code and create a Try/Catch block for it. Convert anonymous expression/function block to an arrow expression in a click. Create Get/Set functions for the selected identifier in context of a class/construct. You can now extract an expression as a variable in the current scope.

For more information on this feature, see Write and edit code

ES 6 support

Dreamweaver now supports ECMAScript 6 syntax. Dreamweaver also supports linting of ECMAScript code, with ESLint defaulting as JavaScript linter, as well. For more information, see Lint code.

CEF integration

Dreamweaver is now integrated with a new version of CEF. With the new Chromium Embedded Framework, Live View now renders pages designed using CSS Grid layouts.

For detailed information on the new features and enhancements, see New features Summary.

For known issues and limitations in this release, see Known issues

Online resources

Customer support

For assistance with product usage, sales, registration, and troubleshooting:

License agreement

You must accept the license agreement and warranty terms to use this product. Visit for details.

Notice to users

Internet connection, Adobe ID, and acceptance of license agreement may be required to activate and use this product. This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services. Adobe services are available only to users that are 13 years of age and older, and require agreement to additional terms of use and Adobe’s online privacy policy (see Applications and Services may not be available in all countries or languages and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or membership charges may apply.

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Adobe, the Adobe logo, and Dreamweaver are either registered or trademarks of Adobe Inc in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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