Do one of the following:
Save documents
To save an existing document under the same name, choose File > Save Content.
To save a document under a new name, choose File > Save Content As, specify a location and filename, and click Save. The newly named document becomes the active document.
To save a copy of a story or graphic under a new document name, choose File > Save Content Copy, specify a location and filename, and click Save. The saved copy does not become the active document.
To save a copy of a document as a template, choose File > Save Content As, specify a location and filename, and then choose InCopy Template from Save As Type (Windows) or Format (Mac OS).
To save all stories in the document, choose File > Save All Content.
To save a copy of a document in a text format, choose File > Save Content As, specify a location and filename, and then choose Text Only or Rich Text Format from Save As Type (Windows) or Format (Mac OS).
Saving a managed (linked) document does not update the link in the InDesign file. To update the story on the file system, follow the process described in your workflow system documentation or ask your system administrator for information.
Include previews in saved documents
Thumbnail previews of documents and templates provide easy identification of those files in Adobe Bridge and Adobe Mini Bridge. A preview is created when you save a document or template. A document preview includes a JPEG image of only the first spread; a template preview includes a JPEG image of each page in the template. You can control the size of the preview and the number of pages to suit your needs. For example, Extra Large 1024x1024 enables you to quickly scan the contents of a page at high-resolution before you open the file.
You can enable the option in Preferences or in the Save As dialog box. Because previews increase both file size and the time it takes to save the document, you may prefer to enable the option on demand using the Save Asdialog box.
Do one of the following:
To include a preview every time you save a document, choose Edit > Preferences > File Handling (Windows) or InCopy > Preferences > File Handling (Mac OS).
To include a preview for a specific document, choose File >Save As.
To include a preview for a specific document, choose File > Save Content As.
Select Always Save Preview Images With Documents.
If you are setting the preview using the Preferences dialog box, choose the number of preview pages from the Pages menu, and choose an option from the Preview Size menu.Piezīme.
Selecting the preview option in the Save As dialog box also selects the option in the Preferences dialog box, and uses the default Pages and Preview Size settings.
InCopy file types
You can work with several different file types in InCopy.
InCopy content files (.icml)
This is the default file type when exporting stories or graphics from InDesign, and when saving or creating new documents using InCopy. This file type appears as InCopy Document in the Export or Save As dialog box.
InCopy CS3 Interchange files (.incx)
This is a legacy file type used in InCopy CS3 and earlier.
Assignment files (.icma)
These files are a subset of an InDesign document. They display content and styles, as well as page geometry from the parent InDesign file. Assignment files can display different levels of visual fidelity (wireframe, assigned spreads, or all spreads). The InDesign user sets these options while creating the assignment file. Only InDesign users can create assignment files; only InCopy users can open assignment files.
Legacy assignment files for InCopy CS3 used the .inca extension.
Assignment package files (.icap)
These files are assignment files that have been compressed in InDesign for distribution. Assignment packages include the assignment file, the assigned story files, and any linked images.
Legacy InCopy CS3 assignment packages used the .incp extension.
Template files (.icmt)
Templates are useful starting points for stand-alone documents, because you can preset them with page size dimensions, text area dimensions, styles (paragraph and character), XML tags, swatches, pretagged sample content, and so on. Template files open as “Untitled” documents and display content and styles, but no page geometry (layout information from an InDesign document). This file type appears as InCopy Template in the Save As dialog box.
InDesign files (.indd)
When viewed in InCopy, these files provide full fidelity with the InDesign document, including content, styles, and layout of all page items. InCopy users can edit only those content items made available to them by InDesign users. Other items can be viewed but not edited.
You can open several different types of text files, including Microsoft Word, RTF, and TXT files, directly in InCopy. When you do so, the import options for that file type appear.
Export InCopy documents
You can save all or part of an InCopy document in a different file format. In most cases, each component (for example, text frames and graphics) in an InCopy document is exported to a separate file. The exception is exporting an InCopy document to Adobe PDF, which copies all of the text and graphics in a document to a single PDF file.
Do one of the following:
To export text, click in the text with the Type tool
To export a graphic, click the graphic with the Position tool
Choose File > Export.
Specify a name and location for the exported content, and then select a format under Save As Type.
The XML format appears in the list only if XML tags have been added to the document. If you are exporting text and don’t see a listing for your word-processing application, you might need to export the text in a format that the application can import, such as Rich Text Format. If your word-processing application doesn’t support any of the InCopy export formats, use the Text Only (ASCII) format.
Piezīme.Exporting in ASCII format removes all character attributes from the text. To retain all formatting, use the InCopy Tagged Text export filter.
Click Save to export the content in the format you’ve selected.
Rename InCopy stories
When a story is exported from InDesign, it is given a document filename with a .icml extension. InCopy automatically uses this filename as the story name that appears in the Assignments panel in InDesign and the story separator bar. Unlike the filename, the story name is embedded in the file.
To change a story name manually, open a story file in InCopy.
Choose File > Content File Info.
Make sure that the Description tab is selected, and then type a new name for Document Title.
Depending on the workflow processes of your system, an administrator might have to change the story name for you. If you are unable to rename the story by following the steps above, talk to your workflow administrator.
You can also change the story name in the Assignments panel when the story is checked out. However, the filename is not changed on disk.
Export content to Buzzword
Buzzword is a web-based text editor that lets users create and store text files on a web server. When you export a story to Buzzword, you create a text file on the Buzzword server.
Select text or place the insertion point in a text frame that is part of the story you want to export.
Do one of the following:
In InDesign choose File > Export For > Buzzword.
In InCopy choose File > Export to Buzzword.
If you haven’t already signed in to CS Live, click Sign In, specify your e-mail address and password, and then click Sign In.
In the Export Story For Buzzword dialog box, specify the name of the Buzzword document to be created and then click OK.
The Buzzword document is opened on You can then move the document to a different workspace and share it with other people.