Publish Online FAQ

Getting Started

Publish Online lets you repurpose your print documents by publishing them online. You can publish a digital version of an InDesign document that works on any device, in any modern web browser, without the need to install a plug-in.

For a richer document viewing experience, you can publish an interactive InDesign document that includes buttons, slideshows, animation, audio, and video using the interactive authoring features of InDesign.

After you publish your documents, you can share the online document URL so anyone can view the document in a beautiful, simple, online reading experience, which is available on any device and on any platform. With a single click, you can quickly share the online document on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, or over email. The document can also be embedded on any website or blog using the embed code provided by clicking the embed option on the viewing layout.

All you need to get started with Publish Online is the latest version of Adobe InDesign. Create a document you want to Publish Online and click the Publish Online button in the InDesign Control panel.

The InDesign Learn and Support site offers a quick tutorial overview of Publish Online, along with links to a sample published interactive document and additional Help content.

No login is needed. Anyone who has the link to the published document can view the document in any web browser.

Yes, to view a Publish Online document one needs to be online.

Publish Online documents can be viewed in any modern web browser on any desktop or mobile device. The reading layout of the document adjusts for the device to provide the best viewing experience.

Publishing and Sharing

Publish Online documents can be shared in multiple ways: share the URL with anyone via a hyperlink in email, post it to Facebook or Twitter, or embed the document in a website or blog using the embed code.

Yes, first make the necessary changes to the InDesign file used to create the published document. Click the Publish Online button, and in the Publish Online dialog, choose Update Existing Document, and select a document to update from the dropdown menu. Click OK to upload the document and re-publish to the same URL.

InDesign provides an online dashboard where you can view, manage, and delete all published documents. To view the InDesign online dashboard, from the InDesign main menu, choose File > Publish Online Dashboard. Click on the Publications link, select the document you no longer want to be active, and click the trashcan icon to delete the document.

Anyone with the link to a published document can view the document.

Document Hosting

Publish Online documents are hosted on Adobe servers. Each published document is assigned its own unique URL.

You can embed hosted content, or links to hosted content, in your own site, but currently Publish Online does not support the hosting of content on your own server.

At this time, there is no limit to the number of published documents Adobe will host for you as long as you are using the system fairly, so keep creating and publishing.

The only point when Adobe may stop hosting your documents is if we realize that you are spamming the system with too many Publish Online documents.  

Usually the files which are hosted for Publish Online are not very large, unless you embed large videos in the document being published. We currently do not impose any limit to the size of the document that you can publish using Publish Online, so keep them coming. But if you want an optimum reading experience of the Publish Online Documents we recommend that you encode your videos to mp4 files and keep them fairly small in size.

For paid Creative Cloud memberships, including All App and InDesign Single App plans, Adobe will host Publish Online documents until you delete them.  

Your documents will continue to be hosted on Adobe servers for at least 90 days after your membership expires. Adobe may choose to stop hosting after the 90-day period.

Yes, you can use all the features of Publish Online with a free Creative Cloud membership and an InDesign free trial. After your free trial ends, Adobe may stop hosting your documents after 90 days unless you convert your trial to a paid membership.

New User Interface of Publish Online Dashboard

No, the changes are for User Interface only. There will not be any impact on the content.

No, it's applicable for both Windows and macOS.

Yes, it's supported on Desktop, and Mobile Web browsers.

No, these contain different types of documents:


Click the Report Abuse in the Reading Layout menu of the Publish Online document, which opens a dialog that allows anyone viewing the document to report offending content, such as defamation, pornography, copyright infringement, and more.

Go to the Feature Request and Bug Report Submission Form, choose InDesign from the Select Product dropdown menu, and complete the form to submit your feature request or bug report.  

Creative Cloud for Enterprise customers

Yes, Publish Online is available as part of the Creative Cloud for Enterprise plan, but Publish Online documents can only be published to Adobe servers.
Publish Online is not available for Creative Cloud for Enterprise with Managed Services. See the Creative Cloud for Enterprise with Managed Services FAQ for more information.

Yes, access to Publish Online can be managed using your Admin Console in the same way as other Creative Cloud applications and services are.

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