Make the subject of your photo the focal point by creating a vignette in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic.

Framed vignette of a puppy lying on a blanket in the back of a car with yellow sweater over its head.

Choose File > Import Photos and Video and then add the sample photo, or use your own. We’ll show how the Radial Filter in the Develop module lets you create a vignette even if the subject is not in the very center of the photo.

Puppy lying on a blue blanket in the back of a car with a yellow sweater over its head

Click the Radial Filter and drag to create an oval around the subject. Drag the filter to the appropriate area. Everything inside the oval will be affected by the adjustments you make with the sliders.

Develop module > Radial Filter is selected and an oval is drawn around the puppy.

Experiment with the Exposure, Clarity, and Saturation sliders to create the right vignette effect for the subject of your photo.

Exposure, Clarity, and Saturation are adjusted to draw attention to the puppy.

See how you can draw the viewer’s eye to the subject of your photo with the Radial Filter.

Before: Puppy lying in back of car with sweater over its head.
After: Adjusted vignette photo featuring puppy lying in back of car.

Now you can create a vignette that makes the subject of your photo the focus of attention.

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