Unable to locate /tmp system folder | Mac


While installing Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app, you get the following error:

Unable to locate /tmp system folder. Please make sure the folder exists before proceeding with the installation.


Solution 1: Manually create /tmp folder

  1. Open Finder and click Go > Go To Folder.

  2. Type /private and click Go.

  3. Create a new folder and rename it to tmp. The name of the folder is case-sensitive.

  4. Install the Creative Cloud desktop app.

Solution 2: Re-create the missing /tmp system folder by repairing disk permissions

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.

  2. Select the disk you want to repair from the sidebar.

  3. Click First Aid and the click Run.

  4. Restart the system.

  5. Install the Creative Cloud desktop app.

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