Launch Adobe Photoshop on your Windows or Mac machine.
Learn how to connect with Photoshop from within Photoshop Express.
This feature is currently available for iOS users only.
Enable Remote Connection in Photoshop
To connect to Photoshop using Photoshop Express:
Select Edit > Remote Connections.
Select Enable Remote Connections.
Create your password and click OK.
ملاحظة:If you're unable to connect to Photoshop:
- Ensure that your machine running Photoshop and mobile device are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
- Make sure that your Photoshop version is 16.0 or above. To check this:
1. Launch Photoshop.
2. Choose Photoshop > About Photoshop (in Mac) or Help > About Photoshop (in Windows).
3. To update to the latest version, choose Help > Updates in Photoshop.
4. Re-launch Photoshop Express app and tap the Photoshop Effects icon in the bottom panel to re-connect.
- Ensure that Remote Connection is enabled in Photoshop.
Connect to Photoshop from Photoshop Express
Ensure that your machine running Photoshop and the mobile device are connected to the same Wi-fi network.
Open Photoshop Express and tap the Photoshop Effects icon
in the bottom panel of the screen.
Tap the effect that you want to apply. Photoshop Express will then search for the available servers.
Select your desired effect from the bottom panel. Select your desired effect from the bottom panel. -
Select the server (Service Name) listed in the second instruction screen.
Enter the password that you created in Photoshop and you’re set to work with Photoshop Effects. The selected effect is then applied to your photo.
Select a desired effect for your photo and see the change in real time. Select a desired effect for your photo and see the change in real time. ملاحظة:To disable the auto-connect setting in Photoshop Express, disable save password and auto connect.
If you have already enabled auto connect, choose App settings > Preferences > Reset Photoshop Connections and click Yes.
Enter password
To disable the auto-connect setting in Photoshop Express, disable save password and auto connect.
If you have already enabled auto connect, choose App settings > Preferences > Reset Photoshop Connections and click Yes.
Facing issues while using Photoshop Effects?
Issue: Unable to detect Photoshop running on Windows or Mac machine
- Ensure that your machine running Photoshop and mobile device are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
- Verify that your Photoshop version is of 16.0 or above. To do this:
Launch Photoshop on your Windows or Mac machine.
Choose Photoshop > About Photoshop (in Mac) or Help > About Photoshop (in Windows).
If you have a version below 14.0, update to the latest version by selecting Help > Updates in Photoshop CC.
Check if Remote Connection is enabled in your Photoshop. To do this:
Select Edit in Photoshop.
Select Remote Connections.
Select Enable Remote Connections.
Add a service name and password.
Click OK and restart Photoshop.
Issue: Unable to connect to Photoshop on Windows or Mac machine
- Ensure that your machine running Photoshop and mobile device are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
- Re-launch Photoshop Express and tap Connect to Photoshop icon to re-connect.
- Re-launch Photoshop and connect again.
- Ensure that Photoshop is not blocked by your Firewall settings.
- Reset connection setting in Photoshop Express. To do this, choose App settings > Preference > Reset Photoshop Connections > Yes and re- connect to Photoshop.
Issue: You receive the error ‘Looks like this image is not open any more in Photoshop.’
- Reopen the image and try again.
- Reopen the image in Photoshop Express and tap Connect to Photoshop icon.
Issue: Unable to apply Photoshop Effects
Check if any modal dialog, such as a tool menu, contextual menu, or a selected tool is open in Photoshop. If yes, close that dialog and re-apply the effect in Photoshop Express.