Save time and effort making a selection with the Quick Selection tool.

What you learned: Use the Quick Selection tool to select part of an image

Make a selection with the Quick Selection tool

Select the Quick Selection tool in the Tools panel.

Add a checkmark to the Auto-Enhance option in the Options bar.

Click and drag over an area you want to select. The tool automatically selects similar tones and stops when it finds image edges.

Add to the selection

To add to the initial selection, just click and drag over another area. The Quick Selection tool automatically changes to the Add to selection option.

Subtract from the selection

To subtract from the initial selection, press the Option key (MacOS) or Alt key (Windows) as you select an area you want to remove from the selection. When you release the Option or Alt key, the Quick Selection tool switches back to its Add to selection option.



Back to: Combine selections | Up next: Use Magic Wand tool


23 يوليو 2022

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