Enable recipient groups

Create a group of recipients who all have access to the agreement, but only one is required (or allowed) to sign.

Recipient groups provide a method for one member of a sender-defined group to respond to an agreement on behalf of the entire group. This allows the signature cycle to progress through team approvals without one person becoming a choke point for the process.

For example, if you have a legal team of five members that must sign off on an agreement, but any one member of that team is allowed to sign.

  • A recipient group can be created containing all five members. 
  • All five members are notified when the agreement is ready for the team.
  • The first member to sign the agreement completes the team's obligation for that agreement.
  • All group members receive the final email notification when the agreement is completed.

There are two types of recipient groups in Acrobat Sign:

Reusable recipient groups are:

  • Predefined. The group must be created before the user attempts to add them to an agreement or workflow.
  • Configured by users in their user profile (under the Address book tab)
  • Scoped for individual, group, or organization-level access.
  • Available for senders through the address book auto-complete menu 
  • Static when loaded. Senders cannot edit the names or email values of the group.
  • Access to recipient groups in general is controlled by the settings herein, but actually configuring a reusable group is done at the user level in the Personal Preferences menu. Please refer to the reusable recipient group article for more details.

Ad hoc recipient groups are:

  • Fully configured by senders at the time of configuration.
  • Useful for defining recipient groups with external signers that wouldn't be predefined.
  • One use only. They cannot be saved or shared for use in another application.


Recipient groups are available for the Acrobat Sign Solutions license plan.

Configuration scope

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

How it's used

There are two types of recipient groups:

  • Ad hoc recipient groups are manually entered by the sender and are only used for the agreement in which they are defined. Ad hoc recipient groups:
    • Must be enabled by an administrator before they are available to the user.
    • Allow the sender to define as many recipients in the group as needed.
    • Allow the sender to name the group.
    • It cannot be saved for reuse.
  1. Select the plus icon to add another recipient record. 
    Select the Group option.


  2. Provide a Group name.

    The Request Signatures "Add recipeint" section highlighting a group recipient with the group name highlighted.

  3. Ensure the All members must complete toggle switch is disabled.

    The Request Signatures "Add recipeint" section highlighting a group recipient with the "All members must complete toggle" highlighted.

  4. Select the Add members button.

    A new panel opens to collect the member information for the group.

    • Enter an email address and authentication method.
      • The Role and Private message settings are applied at the group level, not the individual level. All group members have the same role and private message.    
    • Select the plus icon to add another member to the group and the garbage can icon to delete a member.

  5. Select Done when all members have been added.

    The recipient environment highlighting the recipient group with three members.

  6. Add additional recipient records to the agreement as needed.

  • Reusable recipient groups can be created by users and saved as personal groups or shared with their group or account. Reusable recipient groups:
  1. Select the plus icon to add another recipient record. 
    Select the Group option.


  2. Type the name of the group you want to add into the Group name field.

    As you type, a list of groups that match the text entered is displayed. you can select a group from this list at any time.

    The Request Signatures "Add recipeint" section with a group name4 being added and the resulting list of groups displayed.

  3. Ensure the All members must complete toggle switch is disabled.

    The Request Signatures "Add recipeint" section highlighting a group recipient with the "All members must complete toggle" highlighted.

  4. Add additional recipient records to the agreement as needed.


The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Account Settings > Send Settings > Recipient Groups

the Send Settings admin menu with the Recipient Group controls highlighted

When the feature is enabled, an Add Recipient Group link is inserted above the list of recipients.
The recipient record is converted into a recipient box that allows the user to add all of the recipient members that should be included in the group.

The Send page highlighting the Add Recipient Groups link and displaying the ad-hoc recipient group input fields

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