When you try to export data from the Social Buzz report using the download option, the Excel reports download but the files are corrupted.
- Log in to Adobe Social
- Go to Analytics > Social Buzz
report > Select Daterange > Select Download report icon to pull downreport .
File downloads, but if you open the file it could give the following error.
"Excel cannot open the file 'Social Buzz.xlsx' because the file format or filename extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the filename extension matches the format of the file."

"Excel cannot open this file. The file or filename extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and the filename extension matches the format of the file."

There is workaround while a permanent solution is put into place to fully address the issue. The permanent solution is scheduled for release in the June MR. (3.3.1)
- First, try clearing the cache on the Internet browser that you are using, log back in to Social, and try to download the report again.
- If you still receive the error message, try to open the file with a text editor.
Within the text editor, you could see the following:
{"result":false,"error_message":"mb_parse_str(): Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini."}
The error means that you have exceeded the variable Social is using to pull reporting for the given date range.
File a support incident or ticket with the Adobe Social support team including the problematic attachment file that you received. To work around the error as a temporary fix, try exporting smaller requests for the date range.