Hot fix 8364
This page is the old version of the recommended hotfixes page, before the release of AEM 5.6.1 Service Pack 2 .
It lists the list of recommended Hotfixes to install on top of AEM 5.6.1 , *unless you have SP2 installed.*
Adobe recommends the installation of Service Pack 2, please refer to this page for Hotfixes to install on top of SP2.
This page formerly contained the exhaustive list of hot fixes released for Adobe Experience Manager 5.6.1, with some flagged as recommended.
We chose to update this page with the list of all hot fixes not being replaced. Therefore, containing the highest versions of AEM Bundles components and widgets, available for the 5.6.1 version, sorted by modules.
Adobe recommends installing all the hot fixes present in the section of the modules you are using.
As hot fixes listed here replace for the most obsolete hot fixes, the full detailed list of changes/bug fixed, or new feature added is not displayed.
To get the full list of addressed issues per module, contact Adobe Experience Manager Support via the creation of a Support ticket.
First install the Security Service Pack and security related hotfixes .
Adobe Experience Manager 5.6.1 Security Service Pack 1 resolves several critical vulnerabilities, Adobe highly recommends that you install this Security Update on all Adobe Experience Manager 5.6.1 instances immediately. For the protection of our customers, Adobe does not disclose any vulnerability details.
Read as well:
Security Vulnerabilities
Java deserialization issues mitigation agent |
Hot fix 6446 |
Security fix in Webdav |
Hot fix 6445 |
Vulnerability affecting Apache Sling Servlets Post 2.3.6 |
Hot fix 5122 |
DOM-Based Reflected XSS in CRXDE Lite |
Hot fix 5667 |
Security fix in auditreport page |
Hot fix 3527 |
Security fix in the offloading module |
Hot fix 4990 |
Security fix in the Content Finder |
Hot fix 5283 |
Integration of all Replication Fixes on top of the Security Service Pack |
LDAP Integration
(1) This HF introduces a new configuration option for LDAP: "groupNestingDepth".
Contact support for more details.
Misc s ecurity-related issues
Hot fix 4129 |
Sling uses wrong value for Principal object |
Hot fix 4086 |
Issue in user admin when adding user picture |
Hot fix 5668 |
Various fixes in Granite Crypto support |
Hot fix 5152 |
CQ author instance does not process https sling mapping correctly. |
Hot fix 5126 |
Optimization of CUG-related event generation |
Hot fix 5742 |
Exception while moving tags if it has permissions defined and is referenced by a resource |
Campaign - Targeting
Form component
Other features
DAM Classic user interface issues |
ClassCastException when metadata property has unexpected type |
Thumbnail Creation Process Failing on certain Images |
Hot fix 4219 |
Issue in InDesign Media Extraction Workflow Step |
Asset Search Scalability Fix |
PDF Text extraction Fix |
Issue with handling of Assets with certain special characters |
Scene7 Integration
Replication of scene 7 configuration can go in endless loop on publish |
Dynamic Media Feature Pack is a key security and privacy update for the CQ integration with Scene7 to support improved stability and performance, as well as providing a secure preview of Scene7 assets in the AEM/CQ environment before publishing. Note, this is being offered as a special no-cost package for our existing Scene7 customers with CQ 5.6.1 implemented. |
Marketing Cloud integration
The following hot fixes should be installed by the customers integrating AEM with the other solutions of the Marketing Cloud.
Adobe Target
Critical fixes for Adobe Target integration |
Critical fix for the targeted content authoring |
Performance enhancements for Target Integration |
Add Oregon data center to list of selectable data centers in Analytics cloud config |
CQ_Analytics.record doesn't call properly |
Audience Manager
Hot fix 4058 |
Audience Manager integration requires read access to /etc/cloudservices/audiencemanager |
The following hot fixes are specific to the users of the AEM ECommerce module.
Therefore they have to be installed on top of the CQ-COMMERCE-HYBRIS-UPDATE-CONTENT v5.6.200 .
This package and the following hot fixes must be requested via a Support Portal ticket, as the module is not integrated in the default installation of AEM.
Hot fix 3985 |
Various fixes around Hybris integration 1 |
Hot fix 5174 |
Various fixes around Hybris integration 2 |
Twitter/Facebook/Salesforce Client Context Store load requests fire always |
Upgrades twitter connect and twitter search plug-in APIs to version 1.1 . |
Misc Modules
The hot fixes below adress issues specific to minor modules. Check first if you are actual users of the module (in bold in the description) before considering to install the hot fix.