Accessibility in video player

Accessibility refers to making products usable for people with visual, auditory, motor, and other special abilities..

Examples of accessibility features for software products include screen reader support, text equivalents for graphics, keyboard shortcuts, change of display colors to high contrast, and so on.

The video player provides some tools that make it accessible to use and tools that help you create accessible content.

The video player has the following features:

  • Poster frame - First frame that is displayed when video is paused.
  • Play/pause button
  • Full screen
  • Volume slider
  • Preview thumbnails when you hover over the timeline.

You can press the Tab key to focus on different parts of the player and control them with the keyboard. A blue box around the button indicates that the focus is on that button.

For example - if focus is on the Timeline, you can do the following tasks using keyboard shortcuts:

  • Press the Spacebar to start/stop playback. 
  • Use the left and right arrows to step through frame by frame.
Another example - if focus is on the volume button:
  • Use the left and right arrow keys to adjust the volume slider.
  • Using Tab key to navigate through the player works best in fullscreen mode.
  • The player jumps in a gap of 20sec when you forward or rewind it using arow keys.

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