Upgraded Acrobat Create PDF extension for Firefox | FAQ


Adobe Acrobat Create PDF extension is available only for Firefox version 73 and older.

Why is the Acrobat Create PDF extension for Firefox being upgraded?

Adobe has an existing add-on for Firefox (see the screenshot below) which provides customers an easy way to convert their web pages to high-quality PDFs that they can work with. When Firefox releases version 57, legacy technologies (like add-on SDK and XUL-based) will be phased out and only Web Extension API-based add-ons will be supported. Today, in advance of the Firefox release, Adobe has made a new Web extension available so that customers will have a seamless experience when working with PDFs from Firefox.

Create PDF add-on for Firefox

What’s new in the Firefox extension?

The new Firefox extension has additional capabilities that weren’t supported in the earlier add-on:

  • The Open in Acrobat option allows users to open PDFs directly in Acrobat from the Firefox browser.
  • Support for 64-bit Firefox on Windows has been added.

Why does the extension need permissions to access my data?

The permission dialogue box (see the screenshot below) is a standard Firefox pop-up menu that will be displayed for every Web extension that users install, regardless of the maker. This dialogue box aims to inform the user about the need for permissions for an extension to function properly.

The Acrobat Create PDF extension needs to access the web page to convert it into a PDF in Acrobat. The extension does not access or collect any user or profile data or any other Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data.

Enable the add-on

Will my extension be automatically updated with Acrobat update?

Yes, your extension will be automatically updated when you update Acrobat to the latest release. However, you will need to do the following steps to enable the extension in the Firefox browser and you can choose not to enable the extension if you so desire:

  1. Click the hamburger menu in the upper-right corner.
  2. Choose Add-ons. The Add-ons Manager tab opens.
  3. In the Add-ons Manager tab, select the Extensions panel.
  4. Select the Adobe Acrobat add-on you want to enable.
  5. Click the Enable button.
  6. Click Restart now if it pops up.

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