Missing or garbled text when converting or combining PDF documents in Acrobat 9

Text doesn't print or display correctly

Text does not display or print correctly after you convert or combine documents in Acrobat 9.

  • Text appears to melt or characters overlap.
  • Text is scrambled, garbled, or displays as "garbage" characters.
  • Some text appears in subscript.
  • Text prints incorrectly.

Solution: Embed fonts to avoid font substitution

Embedding prevents font substitution when readers view or print the file and ensures that readers see the text in its original font.

The following steps explain how to embed fonts.

Embedding fonts into Acrobat 9 through Distiller:

  1. Launch Acrobat.
  2. Choose Advanced > Print Production > Acrobat Distiller.
  3. In the Default Settings menu, choose Standard.

  4. Choose Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings.

  5. Select Fonts, and then select the fonts you want to add.

  6. Click Save As, and then click OK.

Note: This solution creates a new job option file in which all the fonts you selected are always embedded.

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