Open your PDF in Acrobat desktop. Choose Edit from the global bar, and then select your image.
Know about next-level image editing with Adobe Express in your Acrobat subscription.
Do more with your documents by editing with Adobe Express integrated inside Acrobat.
Steps to edit images with Adobe Express in Acrobat
You can access Adobe Express tools directly from the Edit menu in Acrobat.
Under Adjust Objects, choose Edit Image. Alternatively, you can select the image to open the tools palette and then select Edit Image. It opens the Adobe Express editor in Acrobat.
Select Edit image under Adjust objects Select Edit image under Adjust objects -
You can select Apply Effects, Remove Background, Erase, add Opacity. Alternatively, use Generative Fill in Firefly. Your image edits will be saved automatically to your document.
Adobe Express editor window in Acrobat Adobe Express editor window in Acrobat Petua:Want to go further? Try Stylize This PDF or Apply Color Theme from Adobe Express - available with your Acrobat subscription. Learn how to use Adobe Express.
Common questions
How does the Edit Image feature work?
Using Acrobat desktop, select an image first. Select Edit Image directly from the menu or under Adjust Objects to edit your image.
Who can access the feature?
The Edit Image feature is available to all existing and new customers of Adobe Acrobat Pro and Adobe Acrobat Standard individual subscriptions and Acrobat Pro Teams (Direct & VIP) subscriptions. It is also available for Acrobat Standard Teams (Direct & VIP) subscriptions. It isn't available to Acrobat Classic subscribers currently. The feature is available for trial users on desktop, but not for trial users on the web.
Where are my images stored?
Your images are temporarily uploaded to Adobe cloud storage and processed in Adobe Express. Adobe does not store your images permanently. Your image will be deleted from Adobe cloud storage within 12 hours.
How can I share my edited document with others?
Within Acrobat, select Share , and then select Invite collaborators or one of the other options for sharing.
Do I get Adobe Stock or Firefly credits or extra storage with the offer?
If you're an Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Acrobat Standard individual subscriber, you'll automatically be given 250 Firefly credits per month for a limited time to try the feature.
If you're an Adobe Acrobat Pro for Teams subscriber, you will automatically be given 25 Firefly generative credits per month to try the feature. You won't receive extra Adobe Stock credits, Firefly generative credits, or extra storage outside what is offered with the Adobe Express free version.
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