


D-Trust, a company of the Bundesdruckerei group, is located in Berlin, Germany, and has been an eIDAS certified qualified trust service provider (QTSP) since April 2016. D-Trust is accredited by the Bundesnetzagentur (German Federal Network Agency) in accordance with the Vertrauensdienstegesetz or VDG (German Trusted Services Act) and offers several methods of eIDAS-compliant real-time video, point-of-sale, and eID identity verification services.

Using the Cloud Signature Consortium open standard, D-Trust offers the following signing certificates that work with Adobe Acrobat Sign cloud signatures:

  • Qualified electronic signatures (QES)

For signers

When registering, renewing, and using D-Trust signing certificates please note that you may also engage with the following branded apps and services:


sign-me is D-Trust’s branded remote qualified e-signature identity authentication service. For a short overview of sign-me, please see Elektronische Unterschrift mit sign-me | Ein Produkt der Bundesdruckerei (video in German).


D-Trust utilises Identity Trust Management AG (Identity TM), a company of IDnow, for video and eID identity verification.

For admins

Please review Configure cloud signature providers for more information on how to best set up cloud signatures for use in your organization.

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