Adobe FrameMaker 12.0.2 ReadMe

This document provides information on the following enhancements and issues resolved in the latest FrameMaker update 12.0.2:

Feature enhancements

  1. Generating a list or an index of references (imported graphics) results in a blank file.

    (Ref#: 3725424)

  2. The preview map feature is also available for child maps. The preview feature is not available for Bookmaps embedded inside other Ditamaps.
    To preview child Ditamaps, you can also use the following menu:
    From the DITA menu choose Resolve Topicref(s) > Show Content.

    (Ref#: 3703081)

  3. To open file (.fm, .xml, .mif) in FrameMaker, you can now drag-and-drop files from Windows Explorer to any of the following parts of the FrameMaker user interface:
    Document window
    Modal-less dialogs
    To revert the drag-and-drop functionality, go the Edit > Preferences dialog > Interface tab and uncheck Open Documents Drag Drop.

    (Ref# 3708741)

  4. In the Structure View, you can now drag-and-drop elements into an element that does not contain any child elements.

    (Ref# 3719654)

  5. In Structure View, Shift-click the attribute of an element to collapse or expand its sibling elements’ attributes. Also, Alt-click the attribute of an element to collapse or expand its child elements’ attributes.

    (Ref# 3719657)

  6. Package a FrameMaker documents (.fm or .mif, or .xml), books, or Ditamaps with all related files into a zip file for distribution or backup.

    (Ref# 3708736)

  7. Files that contain unicode characters in the file or path names are not being uploaded/uploaded via Dropbox.

    (Ref# 3732237)

  8. Compressed WebHelp Skins (.zkn) can be imported into the Publish settings.

    (Ref# 3709749)

  9. FrameMaker includes a HelpViewer that allows you to view context-sensitive FrameMaker Help documentation from within the product. The HelpView can also be used to view the documentation in an offline mode.

    (Ref# 3722658)

    (Ref# 3725502)

  10. HTML Page templates can be used to create mini-TOCs, breadcrumbs, and headers and footers in the Multi-channel publish outputs.

    (Ref# 3709360)

  11. WebHelp Gallery is included in the Multi-channel publish settings to allow users to select from a gallery of skins.

    (Ref# 3720164)

  12. A RoboHelp Import Settings (.isf) can be imported into the publishing settings (.sts) file.

    (Ref# 3709839)

  13. The HHActiveX.dll required to be redistributed to Microsoft HTML Help publish output format includes the 32 bit and 64 bit versions.

    (Ref# 3720168)

  14. The following external product features should be enabled for all licenses of FrameMaker:

    • Adobe Captivate:
      Launch Captivate
      Edit image with Captivate
      Insert Captivate Demo
    • Adobe Photoshop
      Launch Photoshop
      Edit image with Photoshop
    • Adobe Illustrator
      Launch Illustrator
      Edit image with Illustrator Adobe
    • Acrobat
      Send PDF through email
      Enable commenting in Adobe Reader
      Share PDF on
    • S1000D
      Publish IETP

    (Ref# 3734049)

Issues resolved 

Product issues resolved 

  1. The Smart Catalog launch time the first time it is invoked after FrameMaker is launched needs to be improved.

    (Ref# 3502872)

  2. In FrameMaker XML Author, if an xdocbook application is used to generate a book from an XML file, the book generation fails since the book component (fm file) is not generated (supported in FrameMaker XML Author)
    Now, in FrameMaker XML Author, the file opens as a normal XML file.

    (Ref# 3708980)

  3. The keyboard shortcuts for Math symbols such as the letter alpha, the infinity symbol, right arrow does not work in the Equation editor.

    (Ref# 3705107)

  4. Typing anything in Ditamap resource view deletes the selected file.

    (Ref# 3708353)

  5. FrameMaker crashes if a user attempts to update the properties of a HotSpot from the HotSpot pod.

    (Ref# 3708428)

  6. Frame crashes on deleting markers from marker pod when some stale entries are present in the pod.

    (Ref# 3708429)

  7. The keyboard shortcut Esc+e Shift+s to display Suppress Automatic Reference Updating dialog box is not working.

    (Ref# 3708430)

  8. FrameMaker crashes if you take a MathML equation out of an anchored from, edit the equation, and then undo the operation.

    (Ref# 3708739)

  9. If a MIF file containing a UserString tag is published using the multi-channel publishing solution FrameMaker crashes.

    (Ref# 3708775)

  10. Adding the font and background color properties to an EDD and saving a file with this EDD as MIF corrupts the EDD.

    (Ref# 3708854)

  11. When using regular expression Find and Change, if the text is replaced via a regular expression group, the anchors contained in the text are deleted.
    Also, the anchors were deleted for any replace string (simple string or capture groups).

    (Ref# 3709181)

  12. Menus corresponding to certain commands defined either in customui.cfg or in clients might not be visible in FrameMaker.

    (Ref# 3709427)

  13. Clicking the close (X) button in the taskbar causes multiple Save dialog boxes to display.

    (Ref# 3711744)

  14. Character tagged subscripts and superscripts are honored by the <$paratext> building block in a cross-reference. However, when the file is part of a Book and the book is updated (including cross-refs), then the formatting is removed from the cross-reference.

    (Ref# 3712113)

  15. If a book or Ditamap is in focus, the Clear Search button in the Conditional Tags pod does not clear the text in the Search text box.

    (Ref# 3717901)

  16. The TOC does not include topics of level 3 and below when publishing to HTML5 or WebHelp output formats from DITA.

    (Ref# 3720261)

  17. Consider a scenario where two documents are part of a FrameMaker book and one document contains a cross-reference to the other document. If the destination document is renamed, the Update book procedure indicates that the cross-references will be resolved however they are broken.

    (Ref# 3728060)

  18. Table properties can't be changed from Table Designer if table anchor is selected.

    (Ref# 3730566)

  19. When collapsing the last element in the Structure view, the contents is not automatically scrolled.

    (Ref# 3719656)

  20. Dragging and dropping elements in Structure View is possible over very short distances in the structure. When dragging an element over the edge of the Structure View panel, causes the view to scroll very fast. After this is it difficult to drop the element back where the original location.

    (Ref# 3719659)

  21. The Uncheck all button that is used to uncheck all condition tags (change the tag state from IN to NOT IN) is not available in the Conditional Tags pod.
    To uncheck all condition tags, select the content in the document and click Uncheck All in the Conditional Tags pod.

    (Ref# 3733111)

  22. The default value for the image "align" attribute defined in the EDD of a structured document was not honored by FrameMaker. This has been corrected. Now, if the value for the align attribute is not defined in the document or not set through Attribute editor, then FrameMaker checks for default value defined in the EDD. If a default value is not defined in the EDD, the image is "center" aligned in the document.

    (Ref# 3709480)

  23. In the CSS Rule definition dialog (launched from the Publish Settings dialog), if the&nbsp;Same for allcheck box is checked or unchecked the Right, Bottom, or Left text fields remain disabled.

    Now, if the Same for all check box is unchecked the Right, Bottom, or Left text fields are editable.

    (Ref# 3736093)

FDK / ExtendScript issues resolved

  1. The object FO_GraphicsFmt needs to be added to ExtendScript

    (Ref# 3708351)

  2. FP_FMConsoleString property is missing from FrameMaker 12 Object Model

    (Ref# 3709447)

  3. UserString property is not working in ExtendScript for objects other than CombinedFontsDef and Element

    (Ref# 3710454)

  4. Unable to delete menus and commands through Delete() function.

    (Ref# 3710541)

  5. Changes made to a script are not reflected on running again if the script is registered once in the session.

    (Ref# 3710822)

  6. The backslash (\) character cannot be inserted in the Find/Change dialog via FCodes in ExtendScript/FDK.

    (Ref# 3709848)

  7. The Delete() function does not work for objects

    (Ref# 3710694)

  8. Deleting a graphic format through Delete() and DeleteUnusedGraphicsFmt() does not remove it from the catalog list

    (Ref# 3713556)

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