Customize settings of an email template

  1. To open the settings page, click Settings. You can now customize your email templates.

  2. To customize the name and email id from which the learners receive emails, edit the Sender Name and Address.

    Contact Adobe Support to configure or change these details.

  3. Customize your email banner from the Email Banner option. Change the color of the banner by selecting Banner Background.

    You can use a custom image as banner by selecting the Custom Image option. Click Save after making the changes.

    Customize the image of a banner

    The custom image size has to be 1240x200px and support .jpg, .jpeg and .png.

  4. Edit your email signature by clicking Edit. Make the necessary changes and save the change.

    Customize your email signature

  5. Edit your account URL by clicking Edit on the option Account URL.

    The account URL link is shown in all emails, just before the signature. Enter the required URL and click Save. Note that this URL is only be visible to internal users.

    Customize the account URL

  6. Configure whether managers must also receive emails that are sent to their direct reports using the check box under Optional Manager Email option.

Set frequency of digest emails

On the Email templates > Settings page, the Admin can change the frequency of Digest Emails to be sent to learners.

In the Digest Email Settings section, click Edit.

In the drop-down, choose either Biweekly or Monthly.

  • Biweekly: If you set the frequency to Biweekly, learners receive the email once every two weeks.

  • Monthly: If you set the frequency to Monthly, learners receive the email once every month.

Set frequency of digest emails

When you enable this option, the frequency is set to Biweekly for existing/new active accounts by default.

DND list of learners

Learners in a DND list cannot see user settings for digest emails. The option will remain disabled and learners will not receive any mails.

Sample digest email to learners

The following samples represent the mail that a learner receives.

Sample email

Training activity

Email of training activity

Email of recommened training


Email of leaderboard

Latest posts

Email of latest posts

Download email access report

You can download the email access report by clicking the Download button. This report contains the number of users who have received the email, and the number of users who’ve opened and clicked on the links.