
3 min

Fill and sign a PDF or request an e-signature

Complete and sign an unformatted document and request e-signatures from others.

The Fill & Sign tool is powerful and necessary for both individuals and businesses who share and receive documents. It allows you to digitally complete a document that does not have electronic form fields already built into it. Typically, these are print PDF forms that you might receive from a third party that is perhaps not as advanced with their technology. By using simple form tools, you can insert your own fields on top of the existing PDF document, making it easy to fill in lengthy forms. It also allows you to sign contracts by providing a certified signature stamp through Adobe Acrobat Sign.

How to find Fill & Sign

The Fill & Sign tool is so important that Acrobat provides three ways for you to find it:

  1. Click Fill & Sign from the right menu.

  2. If Fill & Sign is not in the right menu, you can add it by scrolling down in the right menu list and clicking More Tools. Then scroll down to the Forms & Signatures area and, under Fill & Sign, click Add.

  3. Alternatively, Fill & Sign is also accessible by clicking on the Tools tab in the upper-left corner of the app.

Using Fill & Sign as a recipient

Fill & Sign comes in handy when you are given a flat PDF that contains spaces where you might typically use a pen or pencil to fill out the form. However, sometimes you’re unable to run the form field wizard on someone else’s document. Fill & Sign allows you to fill out the form as-is.

  • After selecting Fill & Sign, you can add a text field by clicking anywhere you want to enter text. For convenience, as you type, your personal information will start to auto-populate based on your computer profile. Use the small and large text indicators to match the font size of the document.

  • Add a crosscheck, checkmark, line, dots, or circle to markup or show your intent throughout the document.

  • Add your signature or initials anywhere you click within the document.

Add a custom signature

Add your signature to a form without printing and signing with a pen by selecting Sign Yourself in the top toolbar and clicking Add Signature. Acrobat gives three options for adding a signature:

  1. Type your name and choose from Acrobat’s signature fonts.

  2. Draw your own signature using your mouse.

  3. Upload an Image of your own signature.

Request a signature

You may need to request a signature from another person or group of people. At this point, Fill & Sign will refer you to Adobe Acrobat Sign, where you can add multiple recipients’ email addresses, along with multiple files to sign, if necessary. Once Acrobat Sign is launched, you will be asked to Specify Where to Sign, in which your recipients can then use the Fill & Sign tool to complete your request.

Save or send a copy

There may be an instance where you need to save a read-only copy for yourself or you need to share a copy with someone else.

  1. After selecting the Fill & Sign tool, click the Next button in the upper-right corner.

  2. Choose Save as a read-only copy and click Continue.

  3. You will be forwarded to Adobe Acrobat Sign to select from Send a Copy or Get a Shareable Link to send on your own.

The Acrobat Fill & Sign and Acrobat Sign tools work in tandem to provide you with the document flexibility your personal and business needs.

Adobe Stock Contributors


24 mei 2023

Probeer deze zelfstudies met Acrobat Pro

PDF's maken, bewerken en delen.