Launch Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application.
Learn how to configure your macOS or Windows systems to install and launch After Effects in Simplified Chinese and Japanese languages.
Having trouble installing or launching After Effects in Chinese Simplified or Japanese? Or is it launching in English instead of your desired language? It could be the language preference settings in your macOS or Windows systems.
To fix this, make sure your default language is set to Simplified Chinese or Japanese in the Creative Cloud Desktop application before installing After Effects and your systems language preferences and configurations appropriately.
Before making the changes in the system settings, uninstall After Effects.
Uninstall After Effects and also remove the set preferences.
Select your account icon at the top right corner of the Creative Cloud desktop application.
Select Preferences, and in the Apps tab, choose a preferred language from the Default install language drop-down menu.
Select Done.
After uninstalling After Effects and specifying the Default install language setting in the Creative Cloud Desktop application, set the desired language in the Language & Region settings under System Settings.
System Settings will be System Preferences for macOS 12 and previous macOS versions.
Select the Apple menu and then launch System Settings.
In the System Settings dialog, search for Language & Region.
In the Language & Region pane, select the plus icon (+) in the Preferred Language section to open the list of languages.
In the Select a preferred language to add dialog, select Chinese, Simplified or Japanese and select Add.
In the Would you like to use <selected language> as your primary language? dialog, select Use <selected language>.
In the Select input sources to add dialog, select Cancel (macOS 13) or Not Now (macOS 12).
In the Language & Region pane, move the selected language to the top of the list of preferred languages.
Close the System Settings dialog and restart the system.
After the system restarts, launch the Creative Cloud desktop application to install After Effects and launch it.
Open Settings > Time & Language > Language & Regions.
In the Preferred languages section, select Add a language (+).
In the Choose a language to install dialog, select Chinese (Simplified) or Japanese.
Select Next and then Install in the Install language features dialog using default settings.
In the Preferred languages section, use the Move Up option to move the order of the installed language up so it’s the first preferred language.
Under Related settings, select Administrative language settings.
In the Region Administrative tab, select Change system local.
In the Region Settings dialog, select a preferred language from the Current system locale drop-down menu and select OK.
In the Change System Locale dialog, select Restart now to restart Windows in the preferred language.
After the system restarts, launch the Creative Cloud desktop application to install After Effects and launch it.
On Windows systems, it sometimes takes more than one restart before the system accepts the preferred language. It's recommended to verify system settings and confirm changes in the preferred language before installing After Effects.