When you use Multi Site Manager (MSM), the internal links in the master site don't get regenerated when copied to the slave sites. For example:
Master site : /content/designground/en
Slave site : /content/designground/tr
Constraint : Auto Create Linked-Content
In /content/designground/en/company.html, there is an internal link to /content/designground/en/people.html.
When /content/designground/en/company.html is copied over to slave site, the link still points to /content/designground/en/people.html.
Implement a MSM listener that catches the update event on the slaves and updates the links. There is a listener example that comes with a CQ installation. You can find this example in /apps/MultiSiteManager/src/
onAutoUpdate(Page master, Page slave, Constraint c) is the method that catches such events, so you implement your business use case here.
This listener is registered in /config/cms/msm/xml file. If you write your own MSM Listener. make sure that you register it in this configuration file.
Additional information
MSM does not update links automatically.