Resolve known issues in Technical Communication Suite

Common issues

Find workarounds/solutions for common issues and limitations across Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe RoboHelp, or Adobe Captivate.

Download/Install: An error message appears when installing or launching Adobe Captivate, Adobe RoboHelp, or Adobe FrameMaker.

Licensing/Activation: Activation issues after migration of business profiles.


Allowed URLs: The list of endpoints to allow for activation and/or deployment of Adobe Captivate, FrameMaker, and RoboHelp.


Solution / Workaround

An error message, "Your browser or operating system is no longer supported. You may need to install the latest updates to your operating system...", appears when installing or launching the product.

Earlier versions of Technical Communication Suite and its products relied on Internet Explorer 10 (IE 10) for Sign-In workflows required during licensing. As Microsoft has ended support for Internet Explorer 10 (IE 10), Adobe IMS Authentication has now deprecated support for this version of Internet Explorer.


For more information, see the Fixed - Your browser or operating system is no longer supported article.


The solution is applicable to the following versions:

  • Adobe Captivate (2019 release) and earlier versions.
  • Adobe RoboHelp (2019 release) and earlier versions.
  • Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release) and earlier versions.

A blank screen appears while installing Adobe RoboHelp and Adobe FrameMaker.

When installing the Adobe FrameMaker and Adobe RoboHelp 2019 releases, or release updates using Help > Updates, a blank white screen appears after the sign-in screen.


For more information, see the KB document, Blank screen during Adobe RoboHelp and Adobe FrameMaker installation (2019 release).


Solution / Workaround

Activation issues after mgration of business profiles

  • Users have subscription assigned through their organization, and for another product, they have individual subscription.
  • Users have products assigned from two different organizations on their Adobe Id.

Select the right profile based on the license assignment for the product that you use.

In your Adobe profile, disable the setting Automatic Profile SelectionFor more information, see Manage Adobe profiles.


Solution / Workaround

Allowed URLs

Use the endpoints and allow them for deployment and/or activation of Captivate, FrameMaker, and RoboHelp. For more information, see Adobe Network Endpoints.

Download the list of endpoints.


Adobe FrameMaker known issues

Find workarounds/solutions for known issues and limitations for various categories in the latest version of Adobe FrameMaker.

Crash: FrameMaker crashes on launch or getting internal error.

User interface: Welcome screen not showing up correctly. 

Print and publish: Facing any PDF Distiller issue.

Structured authoring/Content management: Want to know how to add alt text to an image or table. Issues with SharePoint. 


Solution / Workaround

FrameMaker crashes with  “Getting Internal Error” message 

Try one of the following workarounds:

Solution 1: Reset the FrameMaker preferences

  1. Close FrameMaker.
  2. Navigate to the following location:
  3. Rename the FrameMaker version folder.  
    For example, rename folder 16 to 16_old.
  4. Clean the temp folder, which is located at  
    C:\Users\<user profile>\AppData\Local\Temp.
  5. Launch FrameMaker. 


Solution 2: Use the Book MIF Wash utility

If the crash is happening with a particular book, then try cleaning the book using the MIF Wash utility. For details, see How to use MIF Wash Utility in FrameMaker


Solution 3: Update FrameMaker

Make sure your FrameMaker is up to date. To Update FrameMaker, Go to Help > Check for Updates.


Solution 4: Move files to the local system

If your FrameMaker files are located on a network drive, then try to copy them to the local drive.

FrameMaker crashes on loading the Welcome screen

One of the possible reasons for this crash could be the mapping of User profile
to OneDrive. In this case, changing the registry entry can resolve this issue.
Try the following steps:

  1. Run regedit from the command line.
  2. Go to the folder: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER
    \Explorer\User Shell
  3. Find the 'Personal' key and if it includes 'OneDrive', then change it to
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents. (double-click to edit).
  4. Launch FrameMaker.

FrameMaker crashes on launch 

In some cases, this issue could happen because of the corrupted licensing folders .

Follow the steps below to fix this issue:

1.       Rename SLCache folder to SLCache_old.
The default location of SLCache folder is -
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe

2.       Rename SLStore folder to SLStore_old.
 The default location of SLStore folder is - C:\ProgramData\Adobe

Now, run FrameMaker as an Administrator. 


Solution / Workaround

Welcome Screen distortion issue

  1. Close FrameMaker.
  2. Download the new welcome.html file from the following location: :
  3. Navigate to : C:\Program Files (x86) \Adobe\Adobe FrameMaker 2017\fminit\dws\resources\welcomeScreen
  4. Take a back up of the welcome.html file.
  5. Copy and paste the downloaded file at the above location.
  6. Reset the preferences for FrameMaker.
  7. Launch FrameMaker.



Solution / Workaround

Unable to Save as/Publish print to PDF (Distiller issue)

Try the workaround provided in the KB: Missing Distiller error on saving a document as PDF

PDF printer is mssing even after installaing Acrobat

Try the workaround provided in the KB: Adobe PDF printer missing after installing Acrobat


Solution / Workaround

How to add alt-text in images and tables?

Try the workaround provided in the KB: Accessibility in Adobe FrameMaker



Solution / Workaround

SharePoint Online: unable to check out and edit files

Add Registry entries as mentioned in the link given below and then try to check out and edit the files again: 

Enable strong cryptography in .NET Framework 4.5 or higher

Adobe RoboHelp known issues

Find workarounds/solutions for known issues and limitations for various categories in the latest version of Adobe RoboHelp.

Download/install: A blank screen appears when installing or launching Adobe RoboHelp.

Import/link: Importing a Word TOC in RoboHelp or linking to a bookmark in a PDF.

Review: Delete a review in Adobe RoboHelp.


Publishing: Configure settings in various knowledge bases or publishing fails while generating a PDF output.

Launch/crash: What to do when Adobe RoboHelp crashes on launch or behaves unexpectedly.


Projects: Best practices to upgrade a project in Adobe RoboHelp.


Solution / Workaround

How to upgrade RoboHelp?

See the community post, How to upgrade RoboHelp?



How to delete a review in Adobe RoboHelp? 

See Review and Collaboration in Adobe RoboHelp.


Solution / Workaround

In Adobe RoboHelp, how to configure settings in Zendesk, Salesforce, or ServiceNow?

Publishing fails while generating a PDF output.

When trying to publish a PDF output of a project, the process fails, and the PDF is not produced.

For more information, see Unable to generate a PDF in Adobe RoboHelp.

Unable to generate responsive or frameless output in Adobe RoboHelp.

Use any of the following solutions:

  • Create a preset and then publish the project.
  • Check the logs located at %Temp%\RHTMP folder or right-click Output Preset > View Logs. The log shall help you to get the root cause of the failure.
  • Ensure that RoboHelp is updated. Click Help > Updates to check if any update is available.



Adobe RoboHelp crashes on launch or behaves unexpectedly.

Reset the preferences for RoboHelp. Perform the steps below:

  1. Close RoboHelp (2020 release) or kill the process from Task Manager.
  2. Go to %appdata%.
  3. Rename the folder Adobe RoboHelp 2020 to Adobe RoboHelp 2020_old.
  4. Rename the folder 2020 in %appdata%/Adobe/RoboHelp/ to 2020_old.
  5. Restart RoboHelp.



What are the best practices to upgrade a project in Adobe RoboHelp?

When you decide to upgrade a project created with RoboHelp Classic to the reimagined version (2019 release or 2020 release), there are a few things to consider. The KB document, Upgrade a project in Adobe RoboHelp, lists the scenarios for upgrading the project and also the changes that you'd expect.

Adobe Captivate known issues

Find workarounds/solutions for known issues and limitations for various categories in the latest version of Adobe Captivate.

Launch/crash: Captivate behaves unexpectedly on macOS Big Sur, theme copying error, or Captivate crashes when launched.

Open/upgrade projects: Recover a corrupt Captivate project or Captivate cannot open a cptx file.

eLearning assets: Find steps to resolve issues with the asset panel in Adobe Captivate.

LMS/quiz: Report quiz results to an internal server or upload a project to an LMS.

Simulation/video demo: Resolve issues related to incorrect DPI setting or when recording a video demo.

Publish: See the best practices of converting Flash-based projects to HTML5 or publishing issues in EXE.


Solution / Workaround

While launching Captivate (2019 release) on macOS Big Sur, the project editor becomes unusable, and behaves unexpectedly.

Download the patch that supports Big Sur.

See the community post, Captivate 2019 release on macOS Big Sur.

After launching Adobe Captivate, there is an error message, Theme copying failed.

Follow these workarounds:

  • Unsync the Documents folder from iCloud and see if that resolves the issue.
  • Copy-paste the theme files manually at the location that is mentioned in the error message.

Captivate (2019 release) crashes on launch.

To troubleshoot the issue, follow the steps below: 

  1. Elevate the permission levels by granting full permission to all Adobe folders in C drive.
  2. Repair or update Visual C++ Redistributable.
  3. Remove all third party fonts.
  4. Disable any firewall/security software.
  5. Rename the folder Layouts (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\eLearning Assets) and recreate the preferences.
  6. Install any or pending Windows updates.
  7. Select the start up items in msconfig
  8. Ensure that you verify the <user profile> must not be in sync to the shared/network drive.
  9. Enable the local admin account and verify the issue.
  10. Check the Event Viewer logs.



While opening a project, the error message, Captivate couldn’t open <file>.cptx. Ensure file is not open/damaged, appears.

To troubleshoot and resolve the issue, see the KB document, Error occurs when opening projects in Adobe Captivate.


If you still face the issue, recover the project. See How to recover a corrupted Adobe Captivate projectThis is only applicable to Windows



When you click Asset Panel on the toolbar, the panel appears empty.


Solution / Workaround

Report quiz results to an internal server.

If you do not want to use a Learning Management System (LMS) for tracking the quiz scores, Adobe Captivate provides you with alternate reporting options. You can choose an internal web server as your reporting server.


For more information, see Report quiz results to an internal server.

Upload an Adobe Captivate project to a Learning Management System (LMS).

You can use a Learning Management System (LMS) to distribute a computer-based tutorial created using Adobe Captivate over the Internet. A Learning Management System is used to provide, track, and manage web-based training.


For more information, see Upload an Adobe Captivate project to a Learning Management System.



A VR project output appears blank.

To view the output of the VR project, host it on a web server or an LMS.


For more information, see Create Virtual Reality (VR) projects.


Solution / Workaround

Unable to record simulations or video demos due to incorrect DPI in Adobe Captivate .

Troubleshoot common issues that users can face while recording on high DPI monitors such as those with Windows 10 operating systems.


For more information, see Troubleshoot capture issues in high DPI machines.

Captivate crashes while recording a video demonstration.

A possible reason could be the webcam driver, which is installed on the system. The driver configuration conflicts with the Video Demo workflow, and eventually crashes Adobe Captivate.


For more information, see Adobe Captivate crashes on Video Demo.


Solution / Workaround

Best practices to convert/publish existing Flash-based projects to HTML5.

In the last couple of years, many organizations have shifted to moving eLearning solutions to mobile devices, which meant rebuilding the complete solution so that it would work seamlessly on HTML5. As mobile learning solutions are based on HTML5, therefore it is even more essential to convert from legacy Flash-based solution to a more, modern HTML5-based solution. 


For more information, see Best practices to convert/publish existing Flash-based projects to HTML5.

In Adobe Captivate, if you try to publish a project to EXE, Captivate fails to publish.

In Adobe Captivate, if you publish your project as an executable, the EXE doesn’t run. But when you click the EXE file, you see an icon related to Adobe Flash. 


For more information, see Publish to EXE fails in Captivate.

Transition from Rollover objects to HTML5.

Rollover objects are interactive objects that are originally hidden and display only when you roll over a specific area of the slide. This makes the Rollover objects difficult to use on touch-enabled devices.


For more information, see Is there a way in Captivate to transition from Rollover objects to HTML5?