Troubleshooting - Google Analytics Tool in Adobe DTM

When adding Google Analytics in DTM, consider the following:

1. What is 'tracker variable name' when page code is present?

  • Google Universal Analytics page code is already present - Prevents dynamic tag management from installing Google Analytics page code if it is already present on your site. This feature allows you to use dynamic tag management to add to your existing implementation, rather than starting from scratch. Ensure that you properly set your tracker name when checking this box.
  • Tracker Name -The tracker name you want to use for your Google Analytics installation. If you specified that Google Analytics is already installed on your site's pages, use the same name here for proper data collection. The default tracker name for Google Analytics is blank.
  • Customize Page Code - Use Tracker Name field to customize the page code. This code is inserted into every page immediately before the call to track the page view. If you want to cancel the initial default pageview command and write your own to customize page names, be sure to "return false;"

2. Why is upgrade from GA suite to Universal GA suite affecting DTM implementation?

DTM now supports Universal Analytics in a native integration. More information available here:

3. Why is GA e-commerce tracking not working/what are best practices for e-commerce tracking?

Best practice is to enable support for Google Universal Analytics Premium features. There is a check box for premium Google Universal Analytics features in the tool (General group). This option enables the max dimensions and metrics increase from 20 to 200.

4. Why is the Google Analytics beacon firing twice?

The beacon can fire twice if the tool is installed and it is called in a rule. If you have recently moved to using the installed Google Analytics tool, check the rules and custom code sections for GA code. If the code is present in multiple places, it causes two beacons to fire.  

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