Account Administration tool

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This article refers to Digital Publishing Suite. For the AEM Mobile article, see Account administration.

With the Account Administration tool, an administrator in your company can create and provision accounts. You can create assign three types of roles to accounts, all of which are based on Adobe IDs.

For background information about Adobe IDs, see Using Adobe IDs for digital publishing.

For an overview of DPS publishing accounts and essential tasks, see Adobe DPS Getting Started Guide (PDF).

Account Administration tool

A. Delegate accounts assigned Application roles B. Delegate account with no roles assigned (not recommended) 

Understanding DPS accounts

When you subscribe to the Digital Publishing Suite, one account from your company is assigned the Administrator role. This is called the master account. The master account does not appear in the Account Administration tool. You cannot remove or edit the master account. You cannot use the master account as an Application account; instead, use different Adobe IDs for publishing folios.

When you use the master account to sign in to the Account Administration tool, you can assign delegate roles to other accounts. A delegate role is directly tied to the master account. Each delegate account requires its own email address. You can assign delegate roles based on an existing Adobe ID which has not yet been verified to work with DPS, or you can create a new delegate Adobe ID based on an existing email account. However, you cannot create a delegate account from an Adobe ID that has already been verified to work with DPS.

Once an Adobe ID (and its associated email address) is used for a delegate account, it is difficult to untie the Adobe ID from the delegate account.


Be cautious about using individuals’ email addresses for delegate accounts. Once you use an Adobe ID as a delegate account, that Adobe ID can be used for digital publishing only with your company. Removing the Adobe ID disables it from using any DPS features.

An Adobe ID that is not assigned to any specify company account is called a designer account. Designer accounts can be created at

To change an email account associated with an Adobe ID, see Changing the email associated with Adobe ID.

Types of delegate roles

After you add a delegate account to your company, you can assign as many as three roles to that account.


The master account is assigned the Administrator role, but you can assign the Administrator role to other accounts. An account that is assigned an Administrator role can use the Account Administration tool.


With an application role, you can associate a custom viewer with published folios. Use a different Adobe ID for each custom viewer you create. Avoid using the Adobe IDs of individuals. For example, if you publish multiple cooking magazines, you can create one Adobe ID for grill cooking (, one for Creole cooking (, and so on.

Use the Application account to create and publish folios and view analytics. When you specify the Application ID in the DPS App Builder, the custom viewer you create displays the folios published with that account.

DPS App Builder

With a DPS App Builder account, you can sign in to the DPS App Builder and create custom viewer apps. You can use the same Adobe ID for both the Application account and the DPS App Builder account, or you can create a DPS App Builder account that lets you create apps using one or more Application accounts.

Best practices for account administration

For best results, create dedicated email addresses for delegate accounts using a company domain. For example, the following accounts could be used for a company that publishes cooking magazines:

  • Application accounts:,, and

  • DPS App Builder account:

  • Administrator account:

  • Delegate account with no role:

In this example, one DPS App Builder account would be used to sign in and publish all three magazine viewer apps. Another approach is to assign both an Application role and a DPS App Builder role to the same account.

In this example, a special delegate account was created for Jane Doe. Jane uses this account to publish proprietary information for the company. Jane should use this account only to create content for this particular publisher.

Do not use the admin tool to create or assign Adobe IDs of individual designers to your company account unless you want to limit those accounts to using DPS tools only for your company. Individual designers can create valid Adobe IDs using the DPS Dashboard (

Delegates are directly affected by the master account. If a master account is closed, all delegate accounts are also closed.

Content downloaded from a delegate account is charged against the master account. Any content published by the delegates will be charged as downloads against the master account.

Migrating folios from other Adobe IDs

If you build folios using one Adobe ID before you subscribe to DPS, you might not be able to assign an Application role to the previous Adobe ID. You need to assign the Application role to a new delegate account and create new folios. There are two ways to add articles the new folios.

  • If you structured your source files to allow for importing and set up a sidecar.xml file, you can rebuild your folio easily. See Structuring folders for importing articles.
  • Use the Share command to share the folio from the old Adobe ID to the new Adobe ID. Then use the Copy command in Folio Producer Organizer to copy the shared folio to the new account. If you're sharing from a different computer, package and transfer the source files and relink the articles.

Using the Account Administration tool to assign roles

  1. Click Account Administration.

    If the Account Administration option is dimmed, the account you used to sign in does not have Administrator privileges. If you sign in using your primary account ID and don’t have access to the Account Administration tool, please contact your Adobe representative or Gold support (technical support numbers are listed when you sign in to the DPS Dashboard). Once the primary account is enabled, that user can sign in and enable additional administrator accounts.

  2. In the Account Administration panel, click Add New Users.

  3. In the New Users dialog box, do either of the following:

    • For an existing Adobe ID that has not yet been verified to work with DPS, specify the Adobe ID of the user you want to modify, and click Submit. If the Adobe ID has been verified to work with DPS, it cannot be added.

    • To create a new Adobe ID, first create a valid email account, but don’t sign in to any DPS service. Click Create A New Adobe ID, specify the information, and click Create Account. A message is sent to the email account. Click the link in this message to specify a password and verify the account.

  4. In the Account Administration panel, select the user, and click Configure User.

  5. Under Add Roles, specify the role type—Application Accounts, DPS App Builder Accounts, or Account Administrator—that you want to assign to the account. Click Enable, and fill out the necessary information.

    Assigning an Application account to an Adobe ID

Application account settings

When you edit the configuration of an Application account, you can specify settings that affect app behavior such as social sharing and analytics.

Store Settings

When editing the Application account, you can specify shared secret information. Shared secret information is required in iOS for subscription viewer apps and for all Google Play and Windows Store viewer apps that have retail folios.

While Apple calls this information code a “shared secret,” Google calls it a “public key” and Microsoft calls it a "Main Package Identity Name." For details on obtaining a shared secret, see the publishing guide associated with the platform.

Use the same shared secret information for all apps within each platform. Avoid changing the shared secret.


After you specify the shared secret information, sign in to the DPS Dashboard using that Application account. Signing in to the Dashboard authenticates the shared secret.

Under Store Settings, you can also specify the iTunes Application URL. This URL is used in the social sharing workflow to let share recipients download the app if it’s not installed. It's important to specify this URL so that share recipients can tap a link to download or open your app.

You can obtain the iTunes Application URL even if Apple has not yet approved the app. In iTunes Connect, click the app and use the "View in App Store" link, or right-click the app and choose Copy Link Address.

Device Viewer settings

The Device Viewer section determines the behavior of apps on devices such as the iPad.

Enable First Issue Entitlement

Select this option to make the most recent folio available to users who download the iPad app for the first time. This option works only for apps with retail in-app purchases. If this option is selected, the user becomes entitled to the folio published with the most recent Publication Date.

If users remove the promotional retail folio, they can download it again. If they uninstall and reinstall the app, they are entitled only to the original promotional folio, not to the most recently published folio. For more detailed information, see First Folio Free and Digital Blow-ins.

When you submit your app to Apple, we recommend that you include at least two retail folios so that Apple can test in-app purchases.

Enable Article Preview

Select the "Enable Article Preview" option to let users preview any retail folio that includes articles marked as "Free" (use the Folio Producer Editor to mark folios as Free). When users tap the cover image of a retail folio that has free articles in the library, a Preview button appears in the preview pane below the Buy and Subscribe (if available) buttons. When users tap Preview, all articles marked as Free are downloaded, along with preview images of protected article. When users go into browse mode or swipe to view protected articles, a paywall pane covers most of each protected article.

At this time, the Free Article Preview feature is iPad only, works only in retail folios, and does not support folios that include Sections.

In terms of publisher download counts, free articles are charged against download counts based on the number of free articles downloaded and the total number of articles in the retail folio. If a retail folio includes 20 total articles with 5 free preview articles, 1 download is counted when 4 users preview the folio.

The Paywall Threshold setting under Device Viewer allows your customers to download and view the specified number of articles marked as "Metered" when previewing articles in a retail folio. Use the Folio Producer Editor to mark articles as Metered. Once a user reaches the limit specified in Paywall Threshold, a paywall message appears when they browse to either Metered or Protected articles. The threshold you specify for the app is applied to each folio. If you set the threshold to 3, users can preview 3 metered articles in each folio, and a paywall appears when they navigate to the fourth metered article.

For more detailed information, see the DPS Developer Center article about Free Article Preview.

Content Viewer for Web settings

The Content Viewer for the Web options affect the behavior of articles that appear when users view articles using the Content Viewer for the Web (also called the "web viewer") on a computer.

Application Name

The Application Name you specify appears in the title bar when a shared article is viewed in a Web Viewer browser.


Also specify the iTunes Application URL under Store Settings so that share recipients are prompted to download the app if it’s not installed.

Enable Content Viewer for Web

Select this option to let users view your articles in the Content Viewer for Web (also called "web viewer") on a computer. To make articles in retail folios available in web viewer, use the Folio Producer Editor to set articles as either Free or Metered. If you enable web viewer, article views are counted against your download fulfillments as described in Social media download counts.

Selecting the Enable Content Viewer for Web option is required for the Social Sharing feature to work.


Enable Content Viewer for Web is disabled in trial accounts.

Hosting URL

Specify a Hosting URL only if you want to embed the shared Web Viewer content in an iframe on your website. For detailed information, see the article about Embedded Web Viewer.

Redirect URL

If the shared article cannot be found, the Redirect URL you specify is used. Create a Web page with information about your app.

Enable Fulfillment Limit

This option is useful for putting a limit on the overall number of articles that can be viewed in web viewer. Once this limit is reached, any user who tries to view any shared article in web viewer on the desktop is redirected to the Fulfillment Limit Reached URL that you specify. Create a Web page with information about your app.

Enable Paywall

You can set up a paywall for retail folio articles viewed in the web viewer. In the Folio Producer Editor, you can mark an article as Free, Metered, or Protected. For retail folios, users cannot view Protected articles in web viewer, and they can view Metered articles until they reach the paywall threshold. When users reach the limit of Metered articles, a paywall page appears with a message and link that you specify. Users can view Free articles even if they have reached the paywall threshold. The threshold you specify for the app is applied to each folio. If you set the threshold to 3, users can read 3 metered articles in each folio, and a paywall appears when they navigate to the fourth metered article.

If you do not set a paywall, articles marked as "Free" or "Metered" are available for viewing in web viewer without a paywall threshold.


If a folio is published as Free, users can view all articles in the folio, even if the articles are marked as Protected or Metered.

Paywall Button URL

Specify the URL where you can give users information about downloading and purchasing your app. Some publishers create a web page with information about the app, and others specify the iTunes URL of the app.

Paywall Text

Specify a brief message that appears on the paywall page. For example, you can state that the maximum number of articles has been viewed and that users can click the link to learn more about the app.

Enabling secure content (Enterprise only)

When you select "Enable Secure Content" and publish retail folios with the "Encrypt Folio" option selected, the content in those folios becomes secure in the cloud and on iOS devices.

Use this option only if you have confidential or sensitive information in your app. Social sharing, web viewer, and background downloads are not available in a secure account. Use this option only for an app with direct entitlement and retail folios published as v30 or later.

For details, see Secure content in DPS account.

Specifying Analytics information

When editing the Application account, you can specify information to set up an Omniture analytics account. User data of your content is automatically collected and is available to Professional and Enterprise customers. The configuration of the Analytics integration is slightly different for Professional account owners and Enterprise account owners.


Entering data in the Analytics field is optional. Professional account owners who are already SiteCatalyst customers can have all the analytics data sent to a dedicated report suite under their SiteCatalyst account. If you do not have a SiteCatalyst account, do not enter report data. The analytics data is collected in an Adobe internal account.


Enterprise accounts are asked to specify a unique report suite name and can optionally specify the name of the company if they already have a SiteCatalyst account. If you have a SiteCatalyst account, use the exact Company Name used for SiteCatalyst so that the report suite is tied to the appropriate company.


When you specify a report suite, do NOT specify any of the following reserved prefixes: adp.ln, adp.da, or

When you submit the SiteCatalyst information, it can take as long as five business days to set up Omniture analytics for your app. See Omniture analytics.

Opting in to receive fulfillment bundle status

When you click Account Settings at the top of the Account Administration tool, you can opt in to receive email messages that let you know the status of your fulfillment bundles.

Specify an email address to be notified about your fulfillment bundle status.

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