
5 min

Add Illustrator icons to your presentation slides

Add custom icons to your presentation slides to communicate your points with impact

What you’ll need
Practice in the app

Get this party started This part’s easy. The only work you have to do is to sketch out a general idea of what you’d like your icons to look like. Now let Adobe Capture take over by importing your sketch to your Creative Cloud files in a vectorized format.


Set yourself up for success Open Adobe Illustrator and create your artboard. Now add your newly vectorized sketch from your Creative Cloud files to your Illustrator board.


Channel your inner expert with the pen tool The Capture app’s vectors are close to perfect, but to be truly flawless it needs your magic touch. Get in there with the pen tool and make the base shape of your icon. Now trace over your sketch on a new layer using your vectorized sketch as a basic outline. Add finishing touches with handles and editing anchor points with the Direct Selection tool and Pen tool to make sure the foundation of your icon is perfect.


Stylize your icon Make it pop: Fill your shape with color. Time to get funky: Stylize with layered colors, shapes, and patterns.


Show it to everyone, accept endless stream of compliments Export your icons (right click -> collect for export -> save as transparent png) and move them into your presentation for stylized table of content pages, markers, and bonus: you can even use them as infographics!

31 October 2022

Try these tutorials with Illustrator

Create illustrations and other graphics with vectors.