
5 min

Behavior Builder Basics

Behavior Builder is the interface that integrates interactions into your augmented reality scene.

What you learned: How to create AR interactions in Adobe Aero using Behavior Builder.

  • Behavior builder is the central place to create, edit and iterate on all the interactions in your augmented reality experience.

  • Trigger tells Aero to perform an action based off some sort of viewer input, i.e. TAP.

  • Action is the event triggered on an asset, i.e. SPIN.

  • Behavior is the combination of a trigger plus an action, i.e. TAP triggers a SPIN action.

  • Selected option in Behavior Builder is used to show only the behaviors associated with a selected asset.

  • Actions can be executed sequentially or in parallel.

  • When actions are stacked and grouped in a container, all actions within the group will have to complete before executing the next action in the sequence.

  • Blocks in Behavior Builder can easily be moved around to fully control the order of execution of your actions.

  • Actions may show an alert to indicate when they require your input to be validated and executed.

Pro tip

  • The Duplicate command in the Action Panel will duplicate the assets behaviors as well, saving you time on creating interactive scenes.

Experience the scene in augmented reality by scanning the QR code below!


James Zachary

December 28, 2022