Gather and reuse creative assets from your team to create an attention-grabbing flyer for your business.

Typekit is now Adobe Fonts.

Colorful illustration of men working together on a greenhouse project.

Start a flyer design from scratch

In this first video, you'll learn about InDesign's basic layout features while building your flyer's structure. 

Locate a striking image for your flyer from among thousands of high quality Adobe Stock images—right from within InDesign's CC Libraries panel. Place a preview image to test your design before licensing it from Adobe Stock.

Add a strong headline, then apply a color borrowed from the image, or from a library containing graphic elements provided by your creative team.

Access Adobe Stock images (1:28); Add graphics to a frame (2:12); Access the Typekit Library (3:42).

Complete your flyer and publish it

Import text, then create, edit, and save paragraph and character styles so you can easily format all the text in your document

Add assets from a CC Library so common graphic elements such as your company's logo and corporate color themes are always at your fingertips.

Finally, prepare your flyer for output: Add a hyperlink and save it as a PDF for print and email. Then, publish a digital version of the flyer online. With a single click, share the URL on social networks and email, or embed it on your company blog or website so your customers can view your eye-catching flyer in a web browser on any device.

Create a paragraph style (0:39); Create a character style (2:06); Add a hyperlink (3:37).
Dec 28, 2022

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