Known issues | Acrobat, Reader

This document contains known issues for Acrobat not covered in the Acrobat and Reader documentation. Adobe identified the following issues at the time Acrobat was released. Separate help documents or release notes cover issues that arose since the release. If an update fixes an issue, the version number is noted. Bugs associated with an issue in this document appear in brackets [ ].

The known issues related to macOS Big Sur (version 11) are covered in Acrobat and macOS Big Sur compatibility.


  • Problem: Acrobat does not launch if an offline uninstall and reinstall is performed using same Serial Number. [3943212]
    Workaround: Bring the machine online. On the Sign-In screen, choose to sign in now. Acrobat will launch successfully.



  • Problem: JAWS 2020 reads view name along with the element name in Tools Center and Document View. [4307498]
  • Problem: JAWS does not announce the password strength when you set a password to a PDF using the Tools > Edit > Restrict Editing password dialog. [4321684]
  • Problem: The Narrator app announces the password strength in the Tools > Edit > Restrict Editing password dialog for Windows 10, version 2004, and later. [4321866]



  • Problem: There is no option to disable smoothening for pen annotations on touch devices.[4285054]
  • Problem: Text in Text comment gets truncated when font size is large. [4147785]



  • Problem: Get a Link Spinner rotates infinitely on the transition from online to offline mode. [4285918]
  • Problem: Avatar missing when the review file is opened in offline mode. [4251345]
  • Problem: Status for review tab not updated until switching tabs. [4258156]
  • Problem: In review files, the main comment cannot be deleted if it has a reply/replies. [4251092]
  • Problem: Windows (INTERMITTENT): 'Publish Comments' button in DMB is active even when no comments are present to be published. [3775104]
  • Problem: Mac (Network Shared Review): Not able to connect to review server if already signed-in to the server through Finder



  • Problem: Performance of scrolling and loading of the Compare annotations in the Compare RHP appears to be slow when diff count >=1000. [4257018]


Design a new page using Adobe Express

  • Problem: Inserted template size will always match the first-page size. [4360386]
  • Problem: Design a new page option isn't enabled/shown for review files. [4356801]
  • Problem: The template Edit button on a PDF document is enabled until the document is saved. [4356931]


Edit Page Content

  • Problem: Arabic text is corrupted when you start editing existing text in Traditional Arabic. [3230928]
  • Problem: Find does not work when virtual bounding boxes are visible. [3912950]



  • Problem: Context menu options are missing if Acrobat is uninstalled and reinstalled (when ContextMenuShim.dll is loaded by Explorer.exe) without restarting the machine. [3951563]


Fill and Sign

  • Problem: Not able to scroll in a touch device via flick or scroll action. [4241832]


Firefly Integration

  • Problem: Content credentials are not added at the document level (though present at the image level) if the document is redacted, protected, compressed or optimised post using generate image or generative fill workflows. [4469194]
  • Problem: Content credentials are not added at document level (though present at the image level) when using generative fill during editing an image in a document stored over cloud. [4469083]



  • Problem: Fields from the dropdown menu do not get placed on the form, via keyboard, when the application is resized. [4313777]



  • Problem: When installing Acrobat an error dialog "Source file not found" is displayed when the installer file is extracted to a path containing local characters. [3944357]
  • Problem: (Citrix): Error while initiating a Shared Review on a PDF located at client machine's drive.[3945035]



  • Problem: Acrobat sign-in screen displays a message on the first launch to update Windows and related apps when you log in to Windows using a non-admin account. [4326977]
  • Problem: Acrobat sign-in screen displays a message on the first launch to update Windows and related apps when you enable Acrobat’s sandbox on a virtual environment. [4313009]



  • Problem: Multimedia files are rendering in a distorted way. [4299726]
  • Problem: [Acrobat 2015] Acrobat turns non-responsive while trying to play a media file. [4304937]



  • Problem: In case of remote login notifications gets blocked. [4257567]
  • Problem: Push notifications are not received from Windows Notification Service when a machine is on a virtual private network. [4259268]


Organize Pages

  • Problem: “Internal Server Error” or, ”Failed to fetch” error appears when you insert a template in a PDF. [4352412]
  • Problem: The Adobe Express displays a grey screen loading screen and times out when you click the Insert from template option. [4350095]
  • Problem: The Adobe Express session times out and gives a sign-in error when you click the Insert from template option [4352809]



  • Problem: [Windows 11 only] Minor performance degradation when the application is first launched. [4337296]



  • Problem: Create PDF fails to convert a specific xlsx file. [4286880]
  • Problem: Office files cannot be converted to PDF using Acrobat PDFMakers in Application Virtualization (AppV) environment. [4399202]



  • Problem: [Mojave 10.14] Creation of PDF from Portfolio is not showing grant access dialog. [4258939]
  • Problem: "Edit Value" option is not present for edit "Name" and "Description" field under portfolio Files in Layout View. [3936110]
  • Problem: "Undo" and "Redo" menus are disabled while creating a portfolio. [3935194]
    Workaround: Scroll the search hit dialog to view search hits.
  • Problem: ACCESSIBILITY: Text in the preview pane disappears in high contrast theme for non-PDF files. [3943905]
    Workaround: Open the file in the native viewer.
  • Problem: REGRESSION: Can't rename folders in a portfolio. [3944795]



  • Problem: For some files, Acrobat Reader prints slowly with PCL6 drivers. [4231904]
  • Problem: [Ventura 13.5 and later, Sonoma] After closing the page setup and initiating printing, an error appears stating that the document could not be printed. [4439301]


  • Problem: Intermittent: An error is displayed on saving a redacted file when overwriting an existing PDF file during the save operation. [4299104]



  • Problem: Unusually fast scroll pace observed on a document with pages of different sized when scrolled using the touchpad. [4192009]


  • Problem: Access Denied error when trying to open PDF file from symbolic link via UNC path. [3844582]
  • Problem: After opening the Acrobat or Reader app or a PDF file, two icons named Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Helper appear on the Dock.
  • Problem: Delay occurs when opening web links from the sandboxed version of Acrobat on macOS versions earlier than Sonoma.

        Workaround: Apple recommends upgrading to the latest macOS version. Alternatively, you can open Activity Monitor, locate the Apple appleeventsd process, and kill it. Learn more about how to resolve the delay in opening web links on macOS sandbox.


  • Problem: Regression: Enhance is not working on adjusting enhancement levels using mouse scroll.[3946845]
  • Problem: Mac: Scanning fails on applying manual changes in ICA window while scanning the document. [3837850]



  • Problem: Crash on opening an AIP protected file in Protected Mode in Acrobat 2020 (Classic). [4309432]



  • Problem: [Mac] The Acrobat Pro plug-in VerifyURLs.acroplugin available in Acrobat SDK is not compatible with Acrobat. [4220775]


Search / Find

  • Problem: Cloud-powered search is showing some gibberish suggestions under the Suggestions section in the autocomplete list of the Find tool. [4302136]
  • Problem: Acrobat crashes while closing a document if there are any pending calls remaining from the Cloud-Powered search service. [4302145]
  • Problem: Advanced search is very slow on a document opened from the cloud. [3955306]
  • Problem: New Smart Find functionalities do not work in the Safari browser (Version 11.1.1). [4274231]
  • Problem: Autocomplete suggestions do not appear if the document is made dirty, followed by invoking the Find dialog. [4273499]
  • Problem: Find Tool is not accessible by VoiceOver. [4268019]
  • Problem: [Win-only] Acrobat is not able to load the associated index of a PDF file. [4323902]
  • Problem: [Protected Mode: On] Unable to load the BPDX file in Acrobat with Protected mode turned ON. [4325240]


  • Problem: Issuer's User notice is missing and Show Issuer's policy button is disabled for the Legal Notice tab in Certificate Viewer. [4076640]
  • Problem: [EPV] Crash on signing with the smart card on Windows version 1809. [4286080]


Send Mail

  • Problem: Not able to use Outlook's other windows while outlook Draft message window is active (launched through Send File as attachment).[3829341]


Services Integration

  • Problem: Reader: Unsupported version error dialog is not shown when trying to use online services such as Create PDF, and Export PDF and these apps do not work. [4354383]
  • Problem: When compatibility mode is On, sign-in is not remembered in Reader. [4210671]



  • Problem: Multi-file packages are no longer supported, and fail to open in Acrobat. [4356642]



  • Problem: Incorrect participant status is shown in For Signature tab if one of the participants is the sender in Adobe Acrobat Sign workflow. [4254101]
  • Problem: Localisation - Activity list is shown in English instead of app locale. [4241577]
  • Problem: Unable to digitally sign a PDF in the browser when Protected Mode is enabled in Acrobat Reader on Windows 10 version 20H2. [4325829]



  • Problem: Soft Keyboard does not show up in Touch Mode for Reader due to Protected Mode. [3658725]
  • Problem: Soft Keyboard is dismissed after selecting the character from character palette in Find or Advance Search field on Windows 7. [3658729]


Unified Share

  • Problem: In Reader sandbox mode, a warning dialog appears when a user tries to send a file as an attachment via Gmail for the first time. [4259385]

User Interface

  • Problem: The following IPM Feature lockdown registries do not disable the UI option in the application [4005004]:
    • Setting bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc to either 0 or 1 does not disable “Preferences > General > Don't show messages while viewing a document.”
    • Setting bShowMsgAtLaunch to either 0 or 1  does not disable “Preferences > General > Show me messages when I launch Reader (or Acrobat).”
  • Problem: Apps open in with Document as Focus. [3916088]
  • Problem: Browser: Toolbars are displayed in the Full-Screen mode in IE; PDF does not display in full screen. [3841401]
  • Problem: Custom tools: Print Pages command fails to open the Print dialog. [3950298]
    Workaround: Use the Organize Pages tool instead of a customized tool.
  • Problem: [macOS] User cannot scroll horizontally with Track-pad. [4220679]



  • Problem: With MergedTitleBar-MenuBar, the Acrobat window seems to have another boundary on changing the scaling on a Surface Pro device. [4285635]
  • Problem: My Account dialog box is not opening on clicking the Avatar icon when PDF is launched in the Safari browser (version 11 or below). [4301838]
  • Problem: [Unified Search] Cloud icon overlaps with starred file icon intermittently. [4283567]
  • Problem: Dark theme: Title bar color doesn't get updated to dark gray on Acrobat launch; gets updated once focus is moved out or window resized. [4284882]
  • Problem: In the case of non-pdf files and/or multi-parcel files, and if you have a file index of more than 50 in the 'For Viewing' tab, Track documents may not work well. [4263930]
  • Problem: [Mac OS-10.13] Dialog momentarily renders black for 2-3 seconds. [4220296]
  • Problem: Windows preview locks the PDF for saving in Reader/Acrobat. [3942525]
  • Problem: Apps open with Document as Focus. [3858869]
  • Problem: Dialogs such as Print, Preference, Header, and Footer are not scaled dynamically on changing the scaling factor. These dialogs are scaled on their relaunch. [4221215]
  • Problem: Form field properties dialog does not scale dynamically on changing the scaling factor. This dialog is scaled on relaunching Acrobat/Reader. [4220148]
  • Problem: Scrollbars getting blackened and sliders are missing on scaling down in Internet Explorer. [4221123]
  • Problem: Star/Unstar of Review files are not updated in the UI. [4323818]


Web Capture

  • Problem: "Conversion Failure" in Firefox extension on Mac when Reader is installed or updated after Acrobat. [4302185]
  • Problem: [Win10][IE]: Append/Add to existing PDF is randomly failing in EPM. [4097146]
  • Problem: [macOS 10.14] FF Web Capture doesn't work if a user has selected "Don't Allow" in permissions dialog. [4254844]
  • Problem: Chrome extension does not retain the state of UI preference toggle option (Specific to Chrome ver. 84 and above). [4308815]
  • Problem: [Acrobat 2015] Chrome Extension gets disabled on webpages for non-ENU locales. [4307202]
  • Problem: [Acrobagt 2015] Web Capture context menu options missing in Chrome for web pages. [4307201]


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