Host the Adobe Connect application for desktop on your server

Host the application for desktop on your server, say behind a firewall, and point users to the local download locations when they try installing the application for desktop.

The application for desktop includes enhanced features to attend and host Adobe Connect meetings. When the meeting room functionality requires it, you are prompted to install the application for desktop from a server. Meeting guests, registered users, and Presenters are also prompted to download the application for desktop if they have an old version installed and are promoted to Host or Presenter role or given enhanced rights to the Share pod. To know more, see Adobe Connect application for desktop.

If your organization does not allow employees to download software from external servers, as an administrator, you can host the application for desktop on the organization's server.

You can either send users directly to the executable files or to a landing page with the download location. You can either create a custom download instruction page or use a default page provided by Adobe. The Adobe-provided page is localized in the supported languages.

Send users directly to the executable files

Open the AddinInfo.xml file from [root_install_dir]\appserv\common. Change the default download location of the application for desktop. Enter a path to the executable files for each platform:

<m platform=”Windows” id=”addInLocation”>/common/addin/ConnectSetup.exe</m> 
<m platform=”Mac OS 10” id=”addInLocation”>/common/addin/AdobeConnect_982.437.dmg</m>

Send users to download instruction pages provided by Adobe

Open the file addindownload.htm from [root_install_dir]\appserv\common\help\<locale>\support\ location. It contains the default links to the executable files of the application for desktop, that are [root_install_dir]/common/addin/ConnectSetup.exe and [root_install_dir]/common/addin/AdobeConnect_982.437.dmg. Update the location of the application for desktop executable files in this page for each language.

Send users to a custom download instruction page

  1. Locate the Adobe Connect language XML files on the server hosting Adobe Connect. The XML files are in the following two directories: [root_install_dir]\appserv\common\intro\lang and [root_install_dir]\appserv\common\meeting\lang.
  2. In each language file and in the AddinInfo.xml file, add the following paths to the instruction page you created:
    <m id=”addInLocation” platform=”Mac OSX”>common/help/#lang#/support/addin_install_instructions.html</m> 
    <m id=”addInLocation” platform=”Windows”>common/help/#lang#/support/addin_install_instructions.html</m>

    You can choose to create separate instruction pages for each platform.

  3. Create an instruction page in each language you want to support. Include links on the instruction page to the application for desktop executable files for each platform.

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