Last updated on
Dis 28, 2022
Steps to try
- Try connecting to the meeting room from another system. If it works, then try to run the meeting test on the affected machine and provide the detailed results.
- If the meeting room does not open on another system, then the meeting files could be either corrupted or missing.
- Verify from the meeting test that the required ports for the meeting connection are open at the client machine. The required port is 1935 for RTMP, or 443 for RTMPS.
- Check whether there were any changes made with the meeting, or if someone attempted to delete the meeting room.
- Provide a date when the meeting room last worked, so that Adobe can attempt to recover it from backups.
Steps to try
- See if you can get into the meeting room on another machine. If another machine works, the problem could be at the affected machine.
- Try using ?launcher = false to see if you can get in to the meeting room.
- If the above step lets you enter the meeting, then try with the add-in.
- If the add-in gives a white page, see if an antivirus or GPO is blocking the execution of FP add-in.
Contact us with troubleshooting steps that you have taken, along with these details:
- Meeting room URL
- Temporary Test Login credentials to your account with at least meeting host rights
- SCO_ID of meeting room: