Adobe Connect 12.7 Release Notes

This document contains details about the Adobe Connect 12.7 release, including release dates, technical requirements, upgrades, improvements, and known issues.


Adobe Connect enables you to create rich digital training, webinars, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

Adobe Connect 12.7 is a minor release introducing new features, improvements to existing features, greater accessibility, and fixes to known issues.

Release dates

Adobe Connect 12.7 will roll out in the following phases:

Hosted services:

Upgrades will begin on Jul 21, 2024. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to determine the upgrade date for your account.

On-premise deployments:

Will be available from Sep 13, 2024.

Managed services:

Contact your Adobe Connect Managed Services (ACMS) representative, or private cloud provider, to schedule an upgrade.

Adobe Connect 12.7 Maintenance Update

Adobe Connect hosted services will undergo a maintenance update starting Aug 31, 2024. For more details, view 12.7 Maintenance Update.

What's new in Adobe Connect 12.7

Event Analytics (Hosted Only)

A new dashboard with a consolidated view of participant activities, interactions, and engagement during the event, will now be available. The dashboard will also allow hosts to download various reports without having to enter the room after the session. The dashboard can be accessed from the Reports tab of any event.

  • The dashboard will only be available for events held on Adobe Connect version 12.7 and above.
  • The dashboard will be available only in hosted deployments for both Adobe Connect and Interactive Webinars customers.

Custom Virtual Video Backgrounds

Account admins can upload up to 9 custom virtual backgrounds which will then be available inside the room for selection. Admins can also control the availability of the default Adobe Connect virtual background images. The option will be available under the Customization settings within the Admin tab in Connect Central.

Revamped Customization UI for Admins

  • The UI for Customization settings under the Admin tab in Connect Central has been redesigned for an updated and fresher look.
  • The logos and background images will support SVG vector images.
  • A new alternate text field has also been added for the logo shown inside the room.

Simplification of in-room controls

The settings available across the Adobe Connect rooms have been updated. We have removed redundant and duplicate settings, renamed them using industry-standard terms, and have reorganized them along with some UI touchups to improve navigation across the room.

Some of these changes are:

  1. The room name has been removed from the desktop client menu bar and has been replaced with a hamburger menu icon.
  2. Host and Presenter area has been renamed to Backstage.
  3. A new option Copy room URL has been added under the room menu which can be used to copy the room URL to share it with participants
  4. The PODs Menu has been updated to add icons for the different pods and group pods into cohorts for easier identification. 
  5. Enable webcam for participants has been renamed to Allow participants to use camera.
  6. The three dot menus for all pods have been re-organized, and options have been grouped under headings.
  7. The icons for Bold, Italics and Underline in the Notes pod have been replaced with the industry standard icons.
  8. The Audio Conference tab in Preferences will now only be shown for accounts which have at least one active audio profiles available in Connect Central. This will ensure accounts which only use VoIP for audio will not see the telephony audio related settings inside the room.
  9. The low and medium screen share quality options in Share Preferences have been removed. The standard quality setting will be the default share quality.
  10. The Disable webcam preview option has been removed from Video Preferences. The webcam preview will always be shown when trying to turn on the camera for the first time during a session. From the next instance during the session, the camera will turn on with a single click without a preview. 

For a complete list of changes, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

Improved discovery of share system audio feature

The option to include system audio has been moved to the Start sharing popup shown on selecting the Screen sharing option in share pod. This was earlier available as a menu option in the drop-down menu next to the Screen button.

Optimize screen sharing for video clips

A new option checkbox Optimize for video clips will be available when sharing screen via the desktop applications. This option increases the frame rate of the screen share. Use this option when screen sharing video clips (like a video clip on playing on YouTube in a browser). A higher frame rate will ensure the screen share appears smooth and less jerky to participants. Use the Share system audio feature to transmit the audio from this video to everyone.

  • This option can lead to higher CPU and network bandwidth usage. It is therefore not recommended to use this option when screen sharing static, text heavy content (like Word / PDF / PPTX documents) which does not require a higher frame rate.
  • This feature replaces the "High" share quality setting which was available in Share Preferences.
  • This feature will be available with a desktop application release which will follow the 12.7 release.

Request to unmute

To improve the privacy for attendees, the Unmute option shown against attendee names in the Attendees pod has been removed and has been replaced with Request to unmute option. When a host selects this option, the participant will receive a notification informing about the request. The microphone will be unmuted only if the participant accepts to do so. The host will be informed if the participant declines the request.

  • This option is only shown for participants who have joined audio using VoIP.
  • Participants on mobile apps need to update the apps to version 3.7 to view the notification.
Miscellaneous changes and fixes
  1. The camera video will be mirrored by default. The mirroring state can be toggled using the mirror option located in the Video pod title bar.
  2. The toast message informing participants that the session is being recorded and transcribed, will be shown now to participants who join after the recording had started.
  3. The new Mac OS uses a non-breaking space character in the filename when saving screenshots. An issue, where uploading such files in Share pod failed, has been fixed.
  4. A confirmation popup will now be shown when attempting to revert edits made to transcripts.
  5. Recordings can be made to start playback from a specific timestamp by affixing the url parameter "archiveOffset=timeInMilliSeconds" to the recording URL.
    Example: To start the playback of the recording "" from the 2nd minute onwards, share the url as ""
  6. Multiple fixes to aria-labels, and roles to improve accessibility of in-room options.
  7. Third-party library updates:
    • JDK will be updated to ver 1.8.0_411
    • Tomcat will be updated to ver 9.0.87

Patch for On-Premise customers

An patch will be available for on-premise customers to upgrade to 12.7.


For more information on the new features and enhancements in Adobe Connect 12.7, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

System requirements

For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Technical Specifications page.

Upgrade paths for on-premise deployments

Here are the prerequisites for this release:

  • From Adobe Connect 9.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.6 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 10.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.6 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 11.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.6 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 12.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.6 before applying this patch

Issues resolved in server version 12.7

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description

4137823, 4147346 Fixed an issue where files with copyright, registered, trademark, and single quotes in their filename failed to upload in the Share pod
4141070 Fixed an issue where the Chat pod text input size did not scale when the chat font size was changed
4142705 Fixed an issue where the submenus were not announced by screen readers
4142818 Fixed an issue where drawings on PPTX files drawn by participants, while inside breakout rooms, moved to another slide when a host entered the breakout room
4145392 Fixed an issue where downloading of a file from the Files pod failed if the file was deleted from the corresponding template
4145624 Fixed an issue where promoted guest hosts retained partial rights after being demoted
4148469 Fixed an issue where the attended duration was not reported for some participants in the event report data
4149474 Fixed an issue where images did not appear in event emails
4149850 Fixed an issue it was not possible to copy Shared responsive event templates to My templates
4150552 Fixed an issue where the PPTX slide background did not render for some slides
4150852 Fixed an issue where customized "Registration limit reached" message for responsive event templates did not render correctly
4151237 Fixed an issue where session recording failed to start sometimes
4151395 Fixed an issue where it was not possible to access the disk usage report in Connect Central
4151745, 4152241 Fixed an issue where PDF files in Share pod were sometimes cropped in recordings
4151831 Fixed an issue where annotations made on a page persisted across other pages also (for  PDF files in Share Pod) when navigating pages by entering the page number directly
4151995 Fixed an issue where custom logo uploaded using the Customization option in Connect Central did not reflect on curriculum pages.
4152248 Fixed an issue where the dropdown menus in the top menu bar were not announced correctly by screen readers
4152314 Added aria-label for the breakout room self selection dropdown menu
4152607 Fixed an issue where closed captions failed to start sometimes
4152634 Fixed an issue where special characters in event name did not render correctly in event invite email subject
4152979 Fixed an issue where the transcript panel was empty when playing recordings on Safari
4153092 Fixed an issue where event names containing umlauts (ä), colon (:) and the German eszett (ß) were rendered incorrectly in the Event Catalog
4153168 Fixed an issue with date selection on the Sytem Usage Report page in Connect Central
4153722 Fixed an issue where participants were able to raise hands while the option was disabled from Preferences

12.7 Maintenance Update

Adobe Connect hosted services will undergo a maintenance update to address critical performance issues.

The upgrade will begin on Aug 31, 2024. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to determine the upgrade date for your account.


Issues resolved with the maintainance update:


Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description

4154870 Fixed an issue where the video in the video pod failed to load and displayed a loading spinner icon.
4155204, 4155302 Fixed an issue where customizations set prior to the 12.7 release failed to load.
4155440, 4155497 Updated the default speaker and microphone selection logic, addressing an issue where audio was sometimes unavailable in the room.

Fixed an issue where in for some users after detecting a new mic, the captions were captured for the user with new mic.

4153723, 4154100 Fixed an issue where the host of Interactive Webinars occasionally received notifications to admit registered participants.
4154325, 4153302 The special character ‘&’ can now be used in event and room names.
4154675 Fixed an issue where a white border was seen around TIFF format images used in PPTX files.

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