Create and edit Adobe Connect Events for Adobe Connect 12.4

Create and manage Adobe Connect Events and the required AEM templates. Manage participants, invitations, campaign tracking and so on.

Create and modify templates and the Event Catalog

Create templates

You get more flexibility in designing pages, catalogs, and emails for events, if you use templates to create them. Before you create an event, you can create a template to capture requirements for that event that are generic and applicable to other events. You can design and stock multiple templates, in advance, to address the varied needs of your organization. You can use pre-defined templates (and modify them further if necessary) for event pages, event catalogs, and emails.

You can create customized event page templates. While two event page templates are included, Event Managers and Event Administrators can create any number of custom branded templates by using several rich components such as images, carousels, and more.

Event Managers can create private templates and Event Administrators can create shared templates to address the various requirements of your organization. Typically, shared templates are created to ensure consistency and branding for all your organization’s communications.

With Adobe Connect 12.4, start building responsive event pages and event catalogs. The new responsive templates are based on enhanced page components to take advantage of Adobe Experience Manager 6.5. In addition to responsive pages that adapt to different screen sizes, from phones to desktops, you can also take advantage of additional fonts introduced in this release.


To avoid interfering with the recently published events and catalogs, you can continue to use the existing templates. However, since the outdated templates are being deprecated and will soon be withdrawn, we advise you to start using these enhanced templates.

You can clone the new enhanced templates and customize them to suit your needs as before.  

Learn more about creating and editing events templates for Adobe Connect 12.3 or earlier versions, check Create and edit Adobe Connect Events.

In left-navigation, there is a Default Template Responsive available for you to make changes.

  1. Go to Event Templates or Email Templates, in Event Management tab.
  2. Hover on Default Template Responsive, click on   to edit.
    You can create a copy of default template as well.
    Click on    menu in Default Template Responsive, select Create a copy. Select the Template from the drop-down menu. Enter the Copy Name. Click on Copy. Hover over the copied template, click on   to edit.
    For the copied template, click on    to create, rename, delete and reset the template.

  3. Click on   preview icon to view the event template as published.
    Click on   properties icon, select View as published.

  4. In the AEM instance launched, start editing using AEM components. You can add image for Event Banner, add details in different fonts, timezones, etc.
    From top, check your event page in different emulators of phone, desktop, and tablet.

Manage templates

Event administrators can update, rename, delete, or copy existing templates. Event Managers can only create a private copy of the shared templates. Virtual Classroom Managers and Webinar Managers also have the permission to create a private copy of the existing templates. Also, for any renewed accounts that use Seminars and Events features, Seminar Administrators also have the permission to create a private copy of existing templates.

  1. Go to Event Templates or Email Templates, in Event Management tab.
  2. Click a requisite option in the left margin. Move the pointer above the existing templates to display the options Edit Template, Create a Copy, Delete Template, and Rename Template.

  3. click on    to create, rename, delete and reset the template.

AEM components to design Adobe Connect templates

Adobe Connect uses AEM technology to design and lay out email and event templates and Event Catalog. The designed templates can be shared and access control governs their usage. Adobe Connect also offers AEM components customized for Adobe Connect users and administrators. These AEM components can be dragged onto the template area and configured to quickly design and layout templates.

Layout Container

A container provides a demarcated area, in an event template, to contain any components you put there. Container helps you to customize its background and restrict its dimensions.

Event Banner Small

Showcase the small event banner, uploaded as Small Banner Image in event information, on the various event pages and in the email. You can customize various properties of the event banner such as, size, description, position, alt text, and link. The recommended size for of the image for Event Banner Small is 640x120 pixels.

Event Banner Large

Showcase the large event banner, uploaded as Large Banner Image in event information, on the various event pages and in the email. You can customize various properties of the event banner such as, size, description, position, alt text, and link. The recommended size for of the image for Event Banner Large is 1280x240 pixels.

Showcase the featured events in a carousel view. This component displays the large banner image for each featured event along with the event name and time.

Event Duration

Display brief information about an event provided while creating an event as “Event Information”. You can also customize the font properties of the event information.

Event Information Brief

Display brief information about an event, entered as Event Information, in event information. You can also customize the font properties of the information.

Event Information Detail

Display the detailed information about an event, entered as “Detailed Information”. You can also customize the font properties of the information.

Event List

This component displays a list of events in the event catalog. You can filter the event listing using the existing event tags. You can showcase the events with a logo, control alignment, text formatting, display future events, and so on. A few prominent settings available in this component are described below:

Page size

Specify the number of events to be displayed per page. 

Show real events data

Specify whether the actual event data needs to be displayed, while editing the Event List component.

Tag Panel Position

Specify if and how the Tags panel should be displayed.

Tag Panel Title

Edit the title of the tag panel.

Show All Tags

Select this checkbox to display all the tags in the tags panel for filtering. If you don't want to show all the tags, deselect the checkbox and select the desired ones.

Display Future Events

Specify the time period (as a number of days from now) for displaying upcoming events in the catalog.

Text Properties

In this tab, you can adjust the text properties for the various elements of the Event Catalog page, such as the event name and tag panel list.

Color Properties

In this tab, you can set the color properties, fill style, border color, and so on for the tags section.

Labels Configurations

In this tab, you can change the default values of different labels in the Event list component.

Event Form

Event login

Provide the login workflow to event attendees.

Event registration

Provide the event registration workflow from where user register for a particular event. The registration answer field allows a maximum of 2048 characters.

Event calendar invite

Calendar invite inserts a Download Calendar Invite button on the Registration Confirmation page. You can customize the text of the Event invitation email and can also change the label of the button.

Add a logo for your event. Various parameters you can use to customize the display of the event logo are its size, description, position, and alt text. The recommended size is 200 x 120 pixels.

Event Name

Display the name of the event, mentioned as "Name" in the event information. You can customize the font properties. The maximum length is 60 characters.

Event Start Time

Display the event start time, as mentioned in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, on event page or in email.

Event Time

Display the event start time, as mentioned in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, on the event page, or in email.

Horizontal Line

Draw a horizontal line to demarcate various sections of the event page using this component. You can control the thickness and color of the line.

Horizontal Separator

Create a horizontal separator with specified blank space to improve the readability of the event page using this component. The height parameter controls the height of the blank space.

Create a button that links to an event page, catalog page, or any other web page of your choice. You can customize the style of the button. The component allows for configuring the link, its style, and its label.

Speaker Brief Overview

Display the Speaker Overview, entered in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the font properties.

Speaker Detailed Overview

Display the Speaker Detailed Overview, entered in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the font properties.

Speaker Image

Display the Speaker Image, uploaded in the Event Information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the various image properties such as, size, description, position, alt text, and link. The recommended size is 400x400 pixels.

Speaker Name

Display the Speaker Name, as mentioned in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the font properties.


Insert text using the WYSIWYG editor or the inline editor. You can also adjust the font properties of the text.

The Text component available in the email templates provides additional Runtime Fields. Using these fields, you can insert the values of the following variables in your emails automatically.

  • Audio Conference Details
  • Event Creator Name
  • Event Description
  • Event Duration
  • Event Login URL
  • Event Name
  • Event Registration URL
  • Event Site URL
  • Event Start Time
  • Event Summary
  • Event Time
  • Event URL
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Login
  • Time Zone
  • User email
  • Speaker Name
  • Speaker Overview
  • Speaker Detailed Overview
  • Speaker Info URL

Time Zone

Set the time zone for all the timings displayed on a page. Any timing displayed on the page is converted to the specified time zone. You can align the time zone to left, center, or right.

Display a logo of your organization, that is added in Adobe Connect Central, on the event page or in the email. You can customize its properties such as, size, description, position, alt text, and link.


Insert a title using an inline editor and set its display style, using this component.


The following new fonts are introduced in Adobe Connect 12.4.

  • Source Sans 3
  • Garamond Premier Pro
  • Kepler Std
  • Minion Pro
  • Myriad Pro
  • Utopia Std
  • Warnock Pro

Event Administration - Catalog and Templates


This option is not available for the new accounts created after Adobe Connect 12.4 release.

The event administrator has two options to plan on when they want to introduce the new responsive templates. To manage responsive templates for events, email templates, and event catalogs, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Adobe Connect Central and access Event Management > Event Administration > Catalog and Templates page.

  2. Change the checkbox settings as per the requirement.

    Show Only Enhanced templates to create new events

    By default, this is OFF, and users can use existing templates as well as responsive templates for creating new events. 

    When switched ON, users can use only the responsive templates for creating new events. The Event Administrator can turn this ON whenever the account is ready to start using the new enhanced templates.

    Use Enhanced Event Catalog template for this account 

    By default, this is OFF, and users continue using the existing catalog without disruption.

    When switched ON, the catalog will use the responsive design. Events created earlier with old event templates would be visible as well. When a user goes to the specific event page, it is rendered based on the template used to create that event previously. The Event Administrator can decide to turn this ON when their account is ready to start using the new responsive catalog.

    Catalog and templates in Connect Central

  3. Click Save.

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