Working from the command-line

Learn how to use the command-line to list, install, and remove ZXP, CCX or XDX plugins for your Adobe app on Windows and macOS.

You have the option of installing and removing plugins using the Unified Plugin Installer Agent (UPIA). This command-line tool is automatically installed with the Creative Cloud desktop app version 5.5 and above. XDX and CCX installation is supported with Creative Cloud desktop app version 5.7 and above.

Unified Plugin Installer Agent command-line basics

Follow these steps to manage plugins from the command-line:

  1. Open the command-line:

    • Windows: Select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
    • macOS: Open Terminal by double-clicking its icon in the Applications/Utilities folder.
  2. Navigate to the Unified Plugin Installer Agent application folder. You can copy and paste the file paths below directly into the Command Prompt (Windows) or the Terminal (macOS):

    • Windows:   

    cd "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\RemoteComponents\UPI\UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent"

    • macOS

    cd "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/RemoteComponents/UPI/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent/"

  3. On the command-line, enter the executable as follows:

    • Windows: UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe
    • macOS: ./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent
  4. After the executable, enter the desired command.

    The following list describes the available commands. Note that these commands only work in the User mode and if you are signed in to the Creative Cloud desktop app.

    Command on Windows

    Command on macOS

    Required Arguments




    Displays help information of the command-line.



    file path

    Installs a plugin.




    Removes a plugin.




    • Lists plugins that are installed on your device for all products/a given product.
    • This command also works when you're signed out. It lists plugins that were installed when you were signed out.


    Returns the version number of the Unified Plugin Installer Agent.

    The following table describes the list of available arguments:



    file path

    Specifies the name and location of the package file in ZXP, CCX or XDX format.


    Specifies the name of the plugin (as specified in the list response).


    Specifies the name of the product that uses the plugin.

Install a plugin from the command-line

  1. Ensure that you have the ZXP, CCX or XDX file of the plugin that you want to install.

  2. Enter a command, specifying your own argument value:     

    • Windows: 

    UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe /install c:\myfile.ccx

    • macOS: 

    ./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent --install /myfolder/mysubfolder/myfile.ccx

  3. Test the plugin to make sure that everything works as intended.

List plugins from the Command-line

Enter the following command:

  • WindowsUnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe /list all
  • macOS./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent --list all

Use the all argument to list all plugins installed on the system.

Remove a plugin from the command-line

Enter the following command, specifying your own argument values:

  • Windows:  

UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe /remove Plugin_name

  • macOS:

./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent --remove Plugin_name 

Replace Plugin_Name with the specific name of the plugin you want to remove.

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