File size limitations

Document Cloud storage limit

Document Cloud includes 2GB of free storage or 100GB of storage with Acrobat subscription.

File upload limitations

File size

With the exception of Adobe Send, the Document Cloud services allow you to upload and convert files that are up to 100MB.


Your connection speed to the Internet, and the complexity of the document you're converting (number of pages, content) affect how large a file you can convert. So, even files that are under the 100MB file-size limit may not convert if they are overly complex.

The file size limit for compress PDF is 500MB.

Storage quota

If you've exhausted your 100GB storage limit, you can continue to browse, download, and consume content from Document Cloud. However, if you use a feature that requires uploading content to Document Cloud, you'll see a notification that you're over your quota. For example,

  • Uploading a document to Document Cloud storage.
  • Operations that store the result in Document Cloud for later download and use, such as using one of the PDF convert/combine/organize tools in Document Cloud web or Acrobat Reader, and using Acrobat plug-in in Microsoft Office on Mac.
  • Conversion of PSD, INDD, and AI files to PDFs in Acrobat which uses Create PDF service.
  • All PDF conversions on Acrobat Reader mobile app.
  • Scanning with Adobe Scan, which stores the results in Document Cloud.

Adobe Acrobat Sign use is not bound by storage quota. Users exceeding the storage quota will not experience any change in their ability to use Acrobat Sign to send or sign agreements.

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