Starting a PDF review online

You can quickly share a link to a PDF document with others for review or comment. The document shared as a link opens in any browser, on any device. The document is stored securely in Adobe Document Cloud. Recipients get an email with a link, and they can click the link to view and comment on the document in a browser; no sign-in required.

Automatically collect everyone's comments in a single PDF file. Track progress and consolidate comments.

Sharing a PDF for review

Sending an anonymous or public link in an email

An anonymous or public link makes the files accessible to anyone who clicks the link. Follow the steps below to create a review link, and share it using your email client.

  1. Sign in to Acrobat Web at with your Adobe ID and password, or with your social (Facebook or Google) account.

  2. Select a file you want to send for review by doing one of the following:

    • In the top navigation bar, click Share > Send For Review. You can also drag-and-drop files to the Send For Review tool on the Share page.
    Click send for review

    • Click Documents > Your Documents in Adobe Acrobat home. All your files saved in your Adobe Document Cloud account are displayed. Select a file you want to share, and click Share in the right pane.
    Select file to share

  3. The sharing dialog box is displayed. Click Get A Link. Select Allow Comments option, and then click Create Link. The selected file is uploaded to the Document Cloud, and a public link is created.


    You cannot set a deadline or reminder when you create a public link and share the file for review.

    Get a link to the review file

  4. To copy the review link, click Copy Link. Share the review link with the reviewers in an email.

Sending personalized invitations for review

  1. Sign in to Acrobat web at with your Adobe ID and password, or with your social (Facebook or Google) account.

  2. Select a file you want to send for review by doing one of the following:

    • In the top menu bar, click Share > Send For Review. You can also drag-and-drop files to the Send For Review tool on the Share page.
    Click send for review

    • Click Documents > Your Documents in Adobe Acrobat home. All your files saved in your Adobe Document Cloud account are displayed. Select a file you want to share, and click Share in the right pane.
    Select file to share

  3. The sharing dialog box is displayed. Click Share With Others. Enter, or choose the email address of whoever you’d like to review the file.

    Invite people to review the PDF

  4. The Subject and Message fields are just like the ones you use for sending an email and appear to your recipients in the same way. Enter the desired information.

  5. Select Allow Comments. If you want to set the review deadline, select Add Deadline. Specify the time, select the date, and click Add. To set the reminder for the invitees, select Add Reminder. Specify the time, select the date, and click Add.

  6. Click Send.

    A copy of the PDF file sent for review is stored in your Adobe Document Cloud online account. The Recent section at the bottom area of the Home page lists all the files you’ve shared for review recently. Alternatively, to see the list of all your files shared by you, click Documents > Shared By You in the top-menu bar.

Reviewers' experience

The reviewers receive an email invitation with a link to the review PDF. When they click the link, the PDF opens in a web browser. They can use the commenting tools to add comments to the PDF. They can also use Acrobat Reader or Acrobat desktop applications to add comments. 

For more information, see Participating in a PDF review.

Tracking shared files

When the recipient views the PDF, you get a notification in Adobe Acrobat and an email. To view and track all the PDFs shared for review, do the following:

  1. In the top-menu bar of Adobe Acrobat home, click Document Shared By You. All the files shared by you are displayed along with the following information:

    • Name : Name of the file shared for review.
    • Sharing: Names of the people with whom you have shared the file.
    • Status: Shows the number of people who have viewed the file.
    • Last Activity: The timestamp of the last activity performed on file.
  2. To view the details of the shared file, select the file. In the right pane, you can perform any of the following actions:

    • Add Message or a brief instruction about the file.
    • Set Deadline for review. Click Set Deadline, and specify the date and time, and click Save.
    • Share the file with more recipients. Expand the recipient list. Click Invite People, enter the email address of the recipient you want to share the file with, and then click Send Invitation.
    • Unshare File if you would like to prevent anyone else from viewing or downloading the file.
    • Copy Shared Link to copy the link and share it with other recipients.
    • Delete Shared File deletes the file permanently from Adobe Document Cloud.
    Review file details

Unsharing or deleting shared files

In the top menu bar of Adobe Acrobat home, click Document Shared By You. Select the files you want to unshare or delete. In the right pane, do the following:

  • To unshare the shared files, click Unshare Files.
  • To delete the shared files, click Delete Shared Files.
Unshare or delete shared files

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