Adobe Experience Manager: Cloud Service | Product Description

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Effective: 1 November, 2024

What is Adobe Experience Manager Sites Cloud Service ("AEM Sites")?

AEM Sites is a content management and experience delivery system to help Customer create, manage, and deliver the right content to any digital property. With a full suite of composable services, AEM Sites helps Customer create highly engaging digital experiences across web, mobile, apps, and in-venue digital signage that are tailored to Customer’s audiences to drive engagement and conversion.

Products and Services

License Metric

AEM Sites: Cloud Service

Content Requests per month

AEM Sites: Product Limitations

  • Content Requests. Customer may use up to the number of Content Requests authorized in the Sales Order. If Customer exceeds the sum of the Content Requests licensed during a 12-month period at any time, Customer must license additional Content Requests.
    • By default, Adobe includes a Content Delivery Network (CDN) as part of AEM Sites, which gives Adobe insight into Customer’s Content Requests usage.
    • If Customer instead chooses to configure and use its own CDN, Adobe may not have insight into Customer’s Content Requests usage. Accordingly, Customer agrees to provide Adobe with a measurement report two months prior to the end of each 12-month period of the License Term sufficient to verify Customer’s actual annual Content Requests usage. Such report will contain the total number of Content Requests per month for the applicable year. Customer may use CDN-level reports or server-side web analytics tools. However, Customer cannot use reports that rely on end user consent, such as client-side web analytics reports, to fulfill this requirement; such reports do not reflect all Content Request usage because they only reflect traffic when end user consent is provided. Customer cannot use Adobe’s Real User Monitoring Service to generate such reports either.
  • Concurrent Users. The Author Tier of AEM Sites includes a limited number of Concurrent Users. Customer may use the below number of AEM Sites Author Tier users:
    • up to 20 Concurrent Users with AEM Sites licensed up to 5 million Content Requests; or
    • up to 40 Concurrent Users with AEM Sites licensed for 5 million or more Content Requests.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment, 1 Development Environment, and 1 Rapid Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites. For Customers that license Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites, the following applies:
    • Customer must bring its own compatible code repositories to use with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites. The list of compatible code repositories is set forth in the Documentation. Each compatible code repository configured for Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites includes 1 Edge Delivery Services Publish Tier and 1 Edge Delivery Services Preview Tier. Customer acknowledges that the code repositories it brings for use with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites may have features allowing the repositories, and their code and contents, to be made public or visible to others (for example, if Customer marks its repository “public” or similar within the third-party repository platform). Customer is solely responsible for controlling the visibility of and access to its code repositories.
    • In connection with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites, Adobe may provide Customer a direct line of communication to Adobe through an online collaboration channel. Adobe recommends using such channel to facilitate timely collaboration with Adobe regarding Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites. There are no service levels associated with communications or collaboration with Adobe via such channel (e.g., no guaranteed response times or resolutions).
    • Customer may use Storage up to 1 terabyte for Edge Delivery Services.
    • When Customer has not licensed AEM Forms, Customer’s use of form-related functionality within AEM Sites is limited to authoring forms in a compatible third-party spreadsheet. Customer must bring its own compatible third-party spreadsheet products to use these features. The list of such compatible third-party spreadsheet products is available in the Documentation. Customer must separately license AEM Forms for any other AEM Forms functionality, including but not limited to submitting forms data to a compatible third-party spreadsheet, usage of Adaptive Form Block, server-side extensions, backend services, custom extensions related to processing of submitted forms (e.g. Document of Record, e-signatures, workflows etc.), and advanced Forms capabilities like bot protection using Captcha, advanced Forms analytics, experimentation and personalization.
  • Generate Variations (feature). Customers that license Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites may use this feature. Generate variations is a Generative AI Feature. Customer may use 1,000 Generative Actions per year to generate variants for every 1,000,000 licensed Content Requests per month (pro-rated if receiving this feature in the middle of a current license term). One Generation using the text-based variations feature within AEM Sites (in any environment, i.e. Production, Stage, or Development Environments) consumes one Generative Action. If Customer exceeds its allotted Generative Actions, Customer must purchase additional Generative Actions.  For image Generation effected through the variations feature (a) Customer must have an existing license  for image Generation  using Adobe Firefly provisioned to the same IMS Org ID (see here for information on IMS Org IDs), and (b) such existing license (not the license for AEM nor Customer’s entitlements for Generative Actions) governs use and overuse thereof.
  • 99.99% SLA. Customers purchasing the standalone AEM Sites 99.99% SLA license receive a base AEM Sites program, AEM Sites Edge Delivery Services, one Additional Publish Region add-on, and the 99.99% SLA add-on. Customer must apply both the Additional Publish Region add-on and the 99.99% SLA add-on to the same AEM Sites program to receive the 99.99% SLA, as further described in the Actionability Addendum available here: Customer may not apply the aforementioned add-ons to other AEM programs.
  • Network capacity. Where the monthly size average of all licensed Content Requests exceeds 10 MB payload per request, Customer must license additional network capacity.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage up to 1 terabyte for the Production Environment, 1 terabyte for the Stage Environment, 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment, and 200 gigabytes for the Rapid Development Environment.
  • Additional Capabilities. AEM Sites includes a license to use Content Fragments, Media Library, and Experience Fragments, all of which are part of the AEM Assets user interface.
  • Adobe Developer App Builder. Customers renewing or starting a new AEM Sites license on or after April 14, 2023 will also receive one Pack of Adobe Developer App Builder, as described in the Adobe Developer App Builder Product Description. The Product Description for App Builder is available at

What is Adobe Experience Manager Assets Cloud Service (“AEM Assets”)?

AEM Assets is a digital asset management system that enables Customer to store, discover, share and distribute digital assets. With AEM Assets, users can manage, store, and access images, videos, documents, audio clips, and rich media for use on the web, in print, and for digital distribution. AEM Assets is licensed in four variants with different entitlements, each described below. As of December 1, 2024, new AEM Assets customers may only license AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime. For clarity, in sales orders, the SKU name “AEM Assets: Cloud Service” refers to AEM Assets Enterprise (defined below).

Products and Services
License Metric
AEM Assets Ultimate: Cloud Service (“AEM Assets Ultimate”)
Per Each base package
AEM Assets Prime: Cloud Service (“AEM Assets Prime”)
Per Each base package

AEM Assets Ultimate: Product Limitations

Each AEM Assets Ultimate base package includes:

  • Power Users. Customer may use up to 15 Power Users.
  • Collaborator Users. Customer may use up to 15 Collaborator Users.
  • Limited Users. Customer may use up to 250 Limited Users.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment, 1 Development Environment, and 1 Rapid Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage up to 5 terabytes shared between the Production Environment and the Stage Environment, 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Rapid Development Environment. Customer cannot add Storage for the Development Environment or Rapid Development Environment.
  • Content Hub for AEM Assets Ultimate. Customer may access and use Content Hub; in particular, Limited Users, Collaborator Users, and Power Users may all access Content Hub, subject to the limitations of each User type. Content Hub does not include or contain Storage. Digital assets shown in Content Hub are stored in Storage for AEM Assets Ultimate more broadly.
  • Adobe Express. Customer’s license to AEM Assets Ultimate includes a license for Customer to access and use Adobe Express in accordance with the following: (1) Power Users may access and use Adobe Express within the interface of AEM Assets Ultimate and Content Hub for AEM Assets Ultimate and (2) Collaborator Users may access and use Adobe Express within the interface of Content Hub for AEM Assets Ultimate. Users other than Power Users or Collaborator Users (e.g., Limited Users or users not otherwise concurrently assigned to a Power User or Collaborator User license) are not permitted to access Adobe Express licensed as part of AEM Assets Ultimate, whether through AEM Assets Ultimate or directly through the Adobe Express application. Customer’s usage of Adobe Express licensed as part of AEM Assets Ultimate (including any features of Adobe Firefly that may be integrated with Adobe Express, or any direct access to the Adobe Express application) is governed by the Adobe Express with Firefly Product Specific Licensing Terms available at
  • Smart Content Services. Customer may access and use Smart Content Services.

Additional Limitations. AEM Assets Ultimate does not include a license to use Experience Fragments or Content Fragments.

Overages. If Customer exceeds its licensed quantities for AEM Assets Ultimate at any time, Customer must license additional quantities sufficient to cover its excess usage. For example (without limitation), if a Collaborator User exceeds its access permissions and directly accesses the AEM Assets Ultimate user interface, then such user will be automatically reassigned to be a Power User and Customer must license an additional Power User to cover such usage.

Transition to AEM Assets Ultimate. If, prior to licensing AEM Assets Ultimate, Customer licensed AEM Assets Enterprise and had a pre-existing AEM Assets Enterprise environment, Customer will need to take certain actions to transition its AEM Assets Enterprise environment to AEM Assets Ultimate, including reassigning Users to new User types. Certain features and functionalities of AEM Assets Ultimate will not be available until Customer transitions its AEM Assets Enterprise environment to AEM Assets Ultimate, and Adobe will not be liable for any lack of features or functionalities if Customer fails to transition. Customer agrees to promptly perform such transition. For clarity, Customer will have no rights or entitlements to AEM Assets Enterprise whether or not Customer transitions. Failure to transition may result in Customer incurring additional charges. For example, if Customer does not transition Users out of the AEM Assets Enterprise user profile by assigning Users as either Power Users or Collaborator Users, all Users will be counted as Power Users and charged accordingly.

Brand Portal. AEM Assets Ultimate Customers who provisioned and actively used Brand Portal for AEM Assets Enterprise immediately prior to licensing AEM Assets Ultimate may continue to use Brand Portal with AEM Assets Ultimate. Otherwise, Brand Portal is not included for AEM Assets Ultimate.

AEM Assets Prime: Product Limitations

Each AEM Assets Prime base package includes:

  • Power Users. Customer may use up to 5 Power Users.
  • Collaborator Users. Customer may use up to 5 Collaborator Users.
  • Limited Users. Customer may use up to 50 Limited Users.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment. AEM Assets Prime cannot be customized. Customer cannot add to AEM Assets Prime Stage Environments, Development Environments, or Rapid Development Environments. AEM Assets Prime cannot be directly added to other Adobe Experience Manager programs.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage up to 2 terabytes for the Production Environment. Customer may purchase additional Storage via the Storage Add On, but cannot exceed 30 terabytes of Storage total, regardless of how much additional Storage is purchased.
  • Content Hub for AEM Assets Prime. Customer may access and use Content Hub; in particular, Limited Users, Collaborator Users, and Power Users may all access Content Hub, subject to the limitations of each User type. Content Hub does not include or contain Storage. Digital assets shown in Content Hub are stored in Storage for AEM Assets Prime more broadly.
  • Adobe Express. Customer’s license to AEM Assets Prime includes a license for Customer to access and use Adobe Express in accordance with the following: (1) Power Users may access and use Adobe Express within the interface of AEM Assets Prime and Content Hub for AEM Assets Prime, and may access the Adobe Express application directly and (2) Collaborator Users may access and use Adobe Express within the interface of Content Hub for AEM Assets Prime, and may access the Adobe Express application directly. Users other than Power Users or Collaborator Users (e.g., Limited Users or users not otherwise concurrently assigned to a Power User or Collaborator User license) are not permitted to access Adobe Express licensed as part of AEM Assets Prime, whether through AEM Assets Prime or directly through the Adobe Express application. Customer’s usage of Adobe Express licensed as part of AEM Assets Prime (including any features of Adobe Firefly that may be integrated with Adobe Express) is governed by the Adobe Express with Firefly Product Specific Licensing Terms available at
  • Smart Content Services. Customer may access and use Smart Content Services, excluding trainable smart tags.

Additional Limitations. AEM Assets Prime does not include a license to use Experience Fragments or Content Fragments. AEM Assets Prime cannot use the Content Automation Add On.

Dynamic Media. Customer cannot add Dynamic Media as an Add On to AEM Assets Prime.

Overages. If Customer exceeds its licensed quantities for AEM Assets Prime at any time, Customer must license additional quantities sufficient to cover its excess usage. For example (without limitation), if a Collaborator User exceeds its access permissions and directly accesses the AEM Assets Prime user interface, then such user will be automatically reassigned to be a Power User and Customer must license an additional Power User to cover such usage.

Transition to AEM Assets Prime. If, prior to licensing AEM Assets Prime, Customer was a licensee of AEM Assets Enterprise and had a pre-existing AEM Assets Enterprise environment, Customer will need to take certain actions to transition its AEM Assets Enterprise environment to AEM Assets Prime, including reassigning Users to new User types. Certain features and functionalities of AEM Assets Prime will not be available until Customer transitions its AEM Assets Enterprise environment to AEM Assets Prime, and Adobe will not be liable for any lack of features or functionalities if Customer fails to transition. Customer agrees to promptly perform such transition. For clarity, Customer will have no rights or entitlements to AEM Assets Enterprise whether or not Customer transitions. Failure to transition may result in Customer incurring additional charges. For example, if Customer does not transition Users out of the AEM Assets Enterprise user profile by assigning Users as either Power Users or Collaborator Users, all Users will be counted as Power Users and charged accordingly.

Brand Portal. AEM Assets Prime Customers who provisioned and actively used Brand Portal for AEM Assets Enterprise immediately prior to licensing AEM Assets Prime may continue to use Brand Portal with AEM Assets Prime. Otherwise, Brand Portal is not included for AEM Assets Prime.

The following AEM Assets packages are available for renewal only to existing AEM Assets customers as of December 1, 2024
Products and Services
License Metric
AEM Assets: Cloud Service (“AEM Assets Enterprise”)
Per Standard User per year
AEM Assets Essentials Per Essentials User per year


AEM Assets Enterprise: Product Limitations

  • Standard Users. Customer may use up to the number of Standard Users authorized in the Sales Order.
  • Light Users. Customer may use up to 500 Light Users.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment, 1 Development Environment, and 1 Rapid Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage:
    • up to 1 terabyte for the Production Environment, 1 terabyte for the Stage Environment, 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Rapid Development Environment with AEM Assets Enterprise licensed for 10 to 24 Standard Users; and
    • up to 5 terabytes for the Production Environment, 5 terabytes for the Stage Environment, 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Rapid Development Environment with AEM Assets Enterprise licensed for 25 or more Standard Users.
  • Content Hub in AEM Assets Enterprise. Customer may access and use Content Hub with up to 250 Content Hub Users. Customer may use Content Hub with up to 1 million digital assets (e.g., images, videos, documents, or other media formats), subject to the Storage limitations for Content Hub. Content Hub does not include or contain Storage. Digital assets shown in Content Hub are stored in Storage for AEM Assets Enterprise more broadly.
  • Brand Portal. Customer may access and use Brand Portal. Brand Portal includes up to 10 terabytes of Brand Portal on-demand storage.
  • Smart Content Services. Customer may access and use Smart Content Services.
  • Additional Limitations. AEM Assets Enterprise does not include a license to use Experience Fragments, Content Fragments or Content Services.

AEM Assets Essentials: Product Limitations

AEM Assets Essentials is a lightweight edition of AEM Assets.
  • Essentials User. Customer may use up to the number of Essentials Users authorized in the Sales Order. If Customer exceeds its annual number of licensed Essentials User at any time, Customer must license additional Essentials Users.
  • Consumer User. Customer may assign up to 100 Consumers Users.
  • Storage. Customer may use up to 1 terabyte of Storage.
  • Additional Limitations. Assets Essentials does not include a license to use Experience Fragments, Content Fragments or Content Services.

What is Adobe Experience Manager Forms Cloud Service ("AEM Forms")?

AEM Forms is an enterprise document and form platform that enables Customer to capture and process information, and deliver personalized communications. AEM Forms extends business processes to a mobile workforce and clients by broadening service access to users equipped with a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. An AEM Forms Cloud Service Base Package means a configuration listed in the table below, as identified in the applicable Sales Order. AEM Forms Cloud Service Base Packages include the below infrastructure and entitlements. Document Renditions or Form Submission add-ons, listed further below, provide only additional volume without additional infrastructure or other entitlements, except as otherwise specified.

AEM Forms Cloud Service Base Packages

Products and Services
License Metric
AEM Forms: Cloud Service – Submissions
Form Submissions per year
AEM Forms: Cloud Service – Renditions
Document Renditions per year

AEM Forms: Submissions – Product Limitations

(Note: The line-item in a Sales Order may omit the word “submissions”)

  • Form Submissions. Customer may use up to the number of Form Submissions authorized in the Sales Order. If Customer exceeds its annual licensed Form Submissions at any time, Customer must license additional Form Submissions. Customer agrees to provide Adobe with a measurement report two months prior to the end of each 12-month period of the License Term sufficient to verify Customer’s actual annual Form Submissions. This report may be generated by the Transaction Reporting tool (when available) and/or by a third party analytics tool chosen by the customer.
  • Concurrent Users. Customer may use:
    • up to 20 Concurrent Users with AEM Forms licensed up to 750,000 Form Submissions per year; or
    • up to 40 Concurrent Users with AEM Forms licensed for 750,000 or more Form Submissions per year.
  • Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms. For Customers that license Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms, the following applies:
    • Customer must bring its own compatible code repositories to use with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms. The list of compatible code repositories is set forth in the Documentation. Each compatible code repository configured for Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms includes 1 Edge Delivery Services Publish Tier and 1 Edge Delivery Services Preview Tier. Customer acknowledges that the code repositories it brings for use with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms may have features allowing the repositories and their code and contents to be made public or visible to others (for example, if Customer marks its repository “public” or similar within the third-party repository platform). Customer is solely responsible for controlling the visibility of and access to its code repositories.
    • In connection with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms, Adobe may provide Customer a direct line of communication to Adobe through an online collaboration channel. Adobe recommends using such channel to facilitate timely collaboration with Adobe regarding Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms. There are no service levels associated with communications or collaboration with Adobe via such channel (e.g., no guaranteed response times or resolutions).
    • Customer may use Storage up to 1 terabyte for Edge Delivery Services.
  • Document of Record. Customer may use, on average, 2 Documents of Record associated with each licensed Form Submission per year; not to exceed a total aggregate of two times the number of licensed Form Submissions per year.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment, 1 Development Environment, and 1 Rapid Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Network Capacity. Where the monthly size average of all licensed Form Submissions exceeds 10 MB payload per request, Customer must license additional network capacity.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage up to 1 terabyte for the Production Environment, 1 terabyte for the Stage Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment.
  • Automated Forms Conversion Service. Customer may access and use Automated Forms Conversion Service.
  • AEM Forms Designer. Customer may access and use copies of AEM Forms Designer on desktop or laptop Computers only in conjunction with AEM Forms.
  • Forms license to Acrobat for PDF Generation (PDFg). Adobe Forms includes a version of Adobe Acrobat. Notwithstanding any Adobe Acrobat license provided within AEM Forms, (1) licensed use of the included Adobe Acrobat is limited solely to processing automation within the PDFg functionality of AEM Forms as described in the Documentation, and (2) the Adobe Acrobat license will terminate on their earlier of (a) the License Term End date and (b) if the included Acrobat license is not a feature restricted license, January 1, 2024. In the case of (b) above where Customer’s license continues past this date, Customer must transition to a feature-restricted license for the duration of the License Term.
  • Media Library and Fonts. AEM Forms includes a license to use Media Library and Fonts. Customer may embed copies of the font software distributed to Customer for use with AEM Forms into Customer’s documents only for the purpose of printing and viewing documents.
  • Document Renditions. Customer’s license to AEM Forms Submissions does not include a license to use Document Rendition features and functionality, which requires purchasing the AEM Forms Additional Renditions (Document Renditions) add-on.
  • Adobe Developer App Builder. Customers renewing or starting a new AEM Forms license on or after March 12, 2024 will also receive one Pack of Adobe Developer App Builder, as described in the Adobe Developer App Builder Product Description. The Product Description for App Builder is available at

AEM Forms: Renditions - Product Limitations

  • Document Renditions. Customer may use up to the number of Document Renditions authorized in the Sales Order. If Customer exceeds its annual licensed Document Renditions at any time, Customer must license additional Document Renditions. Customer agrees to provide Adobe with a measurement report two months prior to the end of each 12-month period of the License Term sufficient to verify Customer’s actual annual Document Renditions. This report may be generated by the Transaction Reporting tool (when available) or by a third party analytics tool chosen by Customer.
  • Concurrent Users. Customer may use:
    • up to 20 Concurrent Users with AEM Forms licensed up to 10 million Document Renditions per year; or
    • up to 40 Concurrent Users with AEM Forms licensed for over 10 million Document Renditions per year.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment, 1 Development Environment, and 1 Rapid Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Network Capacity. Where the monthly size average of all licensed Document Renditions exceeds 25 MB payload per request, Customer must license additional network capacity.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage up to 1 terabyte for the Production Environment, 1 terabyte for the Stage Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment.
  • Automated Forms Conversion Service. Customer may not access and use Automated Forms Conversion Service without purchasing the “AEM Forms Submissions Add-on to Renditions” add-on.
  • AEM Forms Designer. Customer may access and use copies of AEM Forms Designer on desktop or laptop Computers only in conjunction with AEM Forms.
  • Additional Capabilities. AEM Forms includes a license to use Media Library and Fonts. Customer may embed copies of the font software distributed to Customer for use with AEM Forms into Customer’s documents only for the purpose of printing and viewing documents.
  • Form Submissions. Customer’s license to AEM Forms Renditions does not include a license to use Form Submission features and functionality, which requires purchasing the AEM Forms Additional Submissions (Form Submissions) add-on.


Products and Services
License Metric
Add-On Product and Services Applicability
Additional Publish Region for AEM Sites
Content Requests per month
AEM Sites (Publish Tier only)
Additional Publish Region for AEM Forms: Renditions
Document Renditions per year
AEM Forms: Renditions (Publish Tier only)
Additional Publish Region for AEM Forms: Submissions
Form Submissions per year
AEM Forms: Submissions (Publish Tier only)
Adobe Developer App Builder
Per Pack per year
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, or AEM Forms
Adobe Learning Manager (ALM)
Per ALM User, Per Monthly-Unique Active User (MAU)
AEM Sites
AEM Forms:  Renditions 99.99% SLA
Per Each
AEM Forms:  Renditions
AEM Forms: Submissions 99.99% SLA
Per Each
AEM Forms: Submissions
AEM Forms 99.99% SLA
Add Renditions Volume
Per pack of 500,000 Document Renditions per year
AEM Forms 99.99%: Renditions
AEM Forms 99.99% SLA
Add Submissions Volume
Per pack of 50,000 Form Submissions per year
AEM Forms 99.99%: Submissions
AEM Forms Add Renditions Volume
Per pack of 500,000 Document Renditions per year
AEM Forms: Renditions
AEM Forms Add Submissions Volume
Per pack of 50,000 Form Submissions per year
AEM Forms: Submissions
AEM Forms Renditions Add-on to Submissions
Per pack of 500,000 Document Renditions per year
AEM Forms: Submissions
AEM Forms Submissions Add-on to Renditions
Per pack of 50,000 Form Submissions per year
AEM Forms: Renditions
AEM Guides
Per Guides User per year
AEM Assets Enterprise
AEM Screens
Per Player per year
AEM Sites or AEM Assets Enterprise
AEM Sites 99.99% SLA
Per Each
AEM Sites
Asset Share
Per Each
AEM Assets Enterprise
Cloud Service Dynamic Media Storage
Per terabyte per year
Dynamic Media
Collaborator User
Per User
AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime
Commerce Integration Framework
Content Requests per month
AEM Sites (Publish Tier only)
Concurrent User
Per Pack of 20 Concurrent Users
AEM Sites (Author Tier only) and AEM Forms (Author Tier only)
Consumer User
Per each Consumer User per year
AEM Assets Essentials
Content Automation
Per Pack of 1,000,000 Asset Operations per year
AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Enterprise
Development Environment     
Per Each
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, or AEM Forms
Dynamic Media
Page Views per month
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, or AEM Assets Enterprise
Enhanced Security
Per Each
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, AEM Forms, or AEM Screens
Essentials User
Per each Essential User per year
AEM Assets Essentials
Image Authoring Workstation
Per User
AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise (in each case when Dynamic Media is also licensed)
Light User
Per Light User per year
AEM Assets Enterprise
Limited User
Per Each
AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime
Personalized Media
Page Views per month
AEM Assets Enterprise (when Dynamic Media is also licensed)
Power User
Per User
AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime
Rapid Development Environment
Per Each
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, or AEM Forms
Per Each
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Prime, AEM Assets Enterprise, or AEM Forms
Per terabyte per year
AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Prime, AEM Assets Enterprise, AEM Forms, or AEM Assets Essentials
WAF DDoS Protection
Per Each
AEM Sites or AEM Forms

Add-Ons: Product Limitations

Additional Publish Region for AEM Sites.

  • Additional Publish Regions for AEM Sites may only be added to AEM Sites Publish Tier and are licensed for a single AEM Sites program. Customer may purchase up to three Additional Publish Regions for AEM Sites per AEM Sites program. Additional Publish Regions for AEM Sites are only applied to the Publish Tier of the Production and Stage Environments, and not to lower environments such as the Development Environment or Rapid Development Environment. Additional Publish Regions for AEM Sites must be added in a quantity of Content Requests equal to the AEM Sites program’s licensed number of Content Requests. Additional Publish Region licenses are licensed based on the number of Content Requests; such licenses, scope for lower quantities, may not be applied to a program that is licensed with higher such quantities.
  • Additional Publish Regions for AEM Sites do not extend to other AEM or related functionality deployed on the same program (e.g., AEM Forms and Adobe Learning Manager) or to Edge Delivery Services (including Edge Delivery Services Publish Tier). For Additional Publish Regions for AEM Sites to function, Customer must be on AEM Sites version 2023.1.10912 or later. In situations where Customer creates an Additional Publish Region for AEM Sites after the Production and Stage Environments have already been created for the given program, associated improved latency features will be available immediately while full resiliency features may take up to five weeks to become available. Customer must have a separate Additional Publish Region license for each AEM Sites and AEM Forms Base Package on the same program and each Additional Publish Region selected must apply to all Base Packages on the same program and would consume both the Sites and Forms additional publish region license

Additional Publish Region for AEM Forms.

  • Forms may only be added to AEM Forms Publish Tier and are licensed for a single AEM Forms program. Customer may purchase up to three Additional Publish Regions for AEM Forms per AEM Forms program. Additional Publish Regions for AEM Forms are only applied to the Publish Tier of the Production and Stage Environments, and not to the Development Environment. Additional Publish Regions for AEM Forms must be added in a quantity of Form Submissions or Document Renditions equal to the AEM Forms program’s licensed number of Form Submissions or Document Renditions. Additional Publish Region licenses are licensed based on the number of Form Submissions or Document Renditions; such licenses, scope for lower quantities, may not be applied to a program that is licensed with higher such quantities
  • Additional Publish Regions for AEM Forms do not extend to other AEM or related functionality deployed on the same program (e.g., AEM Sites and Adobe Learning Manager) or to Edge Delivery Services (including Edge Delivery Services Publish Tier). For Additional Publish Regions for AEM Forms to function, Customer must be on AEM Forms version 2024.7.16971] or later. In situations where Customer creates an Additional Publish Region for AEM Forms after the Production and Stage Environments have already been created for the given program, associated improved latency features will be available immediately while full resiliency features may take up to five weeks to become available. Customer must have a separate Additional Publish Region license for each AEM Sites and AEM Forms Base Package on the same program and each Additional Publish Region selected must apply to all Base Packages on the same program and would consume both the Sites and Forms additional publish region license.

Adobe Developer App Builder. Adobe Developer App Builder may be added to AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise and AEM Forms, and may be used to develop integrations with Adobe APIs licensed to Customer. For clarity, Adobe Developer App Builder cannot be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials. Adobe Developer App Builder is licensed per pack, as described further in the Adobe Developer App Builder Product Description. The Product Description for App Builder is available at

Adobe Learning Manager. Adobe Learning Manager (ALM) may only be added to AEM Sites. An ALM account must have at least one Admin at all times. An Admin license may be reassigned from one individual to another. Users of ALM must be authorized by Customer and may not be under 13 years old. For the purposes of ALM:

  • Admin means an ALM User or MAU with additional privileges to administer ALM. Admins may designate ALM Users or MAUs to upload content into the On-demand Service and allow designated ALM Users or MAUs to view and track user completion and course results of other ALM Users or MAUs.
  • ALM User means a single identified user that is granted access to use ALM for engaging with training modules and accessing their individual account. ALM User is typically chosen as the licensing metric where individuals require long-term continuous access to ALM. In the event Customer’s total number of ALM Users exceeds the licensed number, Customer must license additional ALM Users.
  • Monthly-Unique Active User (MAU) means a single identified user who, in a given calendar month, consumes, downloads, or access training content or otherwise participates in ALM such that their attendance is recorded. MAU is typically chosen as the licensing metric where individuals do not require long-term continuous access to ALM. MAUs are sold in yearly quantities, beginning and ending on the License Term Start Date and anniversary thereof, as applicable. Recorded attendance for a single individual in two different calendar months constitutes two separate MAU units. Unused MAU units expire at the end of each anniversary of the License Term Start Date and do not carry over.

AEM Forms – Renditions 99.99% SLA. AEM Forms: Renditions 99.99% SLA may only be added to AEM Forms: Renditions. Details for the applicability of this add-on are provided in the Unified SLA Addendum – Actionability available at

AEM Forms – Submissions 99.99% SLA. AEM Forms 99.99% SLA may only be added to AEM Forms: Submissions. Details for the applicability of this add-on are provided in the Unified SLA Addendum – Actionability available at

AEM Forms 99.99% SLA Add Renditions Volume. AEM Forms Add Renditions Volume may only be added to (a) a standalone AEM Forms: Cloud Service Renditions 99.99% Service Level Agreement program or to (b) an AEM Forms: Cloud Service Renditions Base Package with a 99.99% Service Level Agreement add-on.

AEM Forms 99.99% SLA Add Submissions Volume. AEM Forms Add Submissions Volume may only be added to (a) a standalone AEM Forms: Cloud Service Submissions 99.99% Service Level Agreement program or to (b) an AEM Forms: Cloud Service Submissions Base Package with a 99.99% Service Level Agreement add-on.

AEM Forms Add Renditions Volume. AEM Forms Add Renditions Volume may only be added to the AEM Forms: Cloud Service Renditions Base Package without a 99.99% Service Level Agreement.

AEM Forms Add Submissions Volume. AEM Forms Add Submissions Volume may only be added to the “AEM Forms: Cloud Service Submissions” Base Package without a 99.99% Service Level Agreement.

AEM Forms Renditions Add-on to Submissions. AEM Forms Renditions Add-on to Submissions may only be added to the “AEM Forms: Cloud Service Submissions” Base Package.

AEM Forms Submissions Add-on to Renditions. AEM Forms Submissions Add-on to Renditions may only be added to the “AEM Forms: Cloud Service Renditions” Base Package. Purchasing AEM Forms Submissions Add-on to Renditions entitles Customer to use Automated Forms Conversion Service for the affected AEM Forms Cloud Service Renditions Base Package.

AEM Guides. AEM Guides may only be added to AEM Assets Enterprise. For clarity, AEM Guides cannot be added to AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Prime, or AEM Assets Essentials. Customer may use up to the number of Guides Users and Guides Reviewers authorized in the Sales Order. AEM Guides includes up to 1 terabyte of additional Storage for each AEM Assets Enterprise deployment where AEM Guides is licensed and deployed. Customer may license additional storage by licensing the Storage Add-on. AEM Guides was formerly branded as “XML Documentation,” and any references to XML Documentation within the user interface should be interpreted as a reference to AEM Guides.

AEM Screens. AEM Screens may only be added to AEM Sites or AEM Assets Enterprise. For clarity, AEM Screens cannot be added to AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Prime, or AEM Assets Essentials. AEM Screens is licensed per Player and must be licensed in a quantity equal to the total number of Players where the AEM Screens functionality, or any portion thereof, is being used or was previously activated (even if not continuously in use). AEM Screens does not include any Players or the integration, maintenance and operation of the Players. When AEM Screens is added to AEM Assets Enterprise, AEM Screens includes AEM Sites functionality only to be used to facilitate Customer’s use of AEM Screens. If Customer exceeds its annual per Player licenses at any time, Customer must purchase additional Player licenses.

AEM Sites 99.99% SLA. AEM Sites 99.99% SLA may only be added to AEM Sites. Details for the applicability of this add-on are provided in the Unified SLA Addendum – Actionability available at

Asset Share. Asset Share may only be added to AEM Assets Enterprise. For clarity, Asset Share cannot be added to AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Prime, or AEM Assets Essentials. Assets Share must be licensed separately for each AEM Assets Enterprise deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Assets Enterprise deployments. Asset Share includes the use of AEM Sites functionality only for the construction of a custom media portal to facilitate the distribution of Customer’s digital assets stored within AEM Assets Enterprise to internal and external groups.

Cloud Service Dynamic Media Storage. Cloud Service Dynamic Media Storage may only be added to Dynamic Media.

Collaborator User. Collaborator Users may only be added to AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime. For clarity, Collaborator Users cannot be added to AEM Assets Enterprise or AEM Assets Essentials. Collaborator Users must be licensed separately for each AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime deployments.

Commerce Integration Framework. Commerce Integration Framework may only be added to AEM Sites Publish Tier. Customer may use up to the number of Content Requests authorized in the Sales Order. When integrating with a third-party e-Commerce platform, Commerce Integration Framework includes use of I/O Runtime On-demand Services. The Commerce Integration Framework add-on to AEM as a Cloud Service includes use of I/O Runtime On-demand Services only for Commerce Integration Framework interactions with third-party e-commerce platforms. Customer is entitled to use up to 1 Unit of I/O Runtime for each licensed quantity of up to 8 million Content Requests, or multiple thereof (i.e., any licensed quantity between 1 million and 8 million Content Requests entitles Customer to 1 Unit; any licensed quantity between 9 million and 16 million Content Requests entitles Customer to 2 Units). Customer may license additional I/O Runtime capacity by licensing the Adobe Developer App Builder Add-on. If Customer exceeds the sum of the Content Requests licensed during a 12-month period at any time, Customer must license additional Content Requests. If Customer chooses to configure and use its own CDN, Adobe may not have insight into Customer’s Content Requests usage. Accordingly, Customer agrees to provide Adobe with a measurement report two months prior to the end of each 12-month period of the License Term sufficient to verify Customer’s actual annual Content Request usage. Such report will contain the total number of Content Requests per month for the applicable year. Customer’s use of Adobe’s Real User Monitoring service to generate such reports will suffice for the Page Views portion of Content Requests only (not API Calls). Customer may use CDN-level reports or server-side web analytics tools instead. However, Customer cannot use reports that rely on end user consent, such as client-side web analytics reports, to fulfill this requirement; such reports do not reflect all Content Request usage because they only reflect traffic when user consent is provided.

Concurrent User. Concurrent User Packs may only be added to AEM Sites Author Tier or AEM Forms Author Tier. Concurrent User Packs must be licensed separately for each AEM Sites or AEM Forms deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Sites or AEM Forms deployments.

Consumer User. Additional Consumer Users may be licensed to access and use the Asset Selector feature.

Content Automation. Content Automation may only be added to AEM Assets Enterprise and AEM Assets Ultimate. For clarity, Content Automation cannot be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials. Content Automation must be implemented under the same Identity Management System (IMS) organization ID and Admin Console. Each Content Automation pack entitles Customer to use up to 1,000,000 Asset Operations per year to access the Content Automation Services. If Customer exceeds the licensed Quantity of Asset Operations at any time, Customer must license additional Asset Operations.

Development Environment. Additional Development Environments may only be added for non-production usage within AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise or AEM Forms programs, and may not be used independently to perform any features or functions of AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, or AEM Forms. For clarity, Development Environments cannot be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials. Development Environments must be licensed separately for use with a designated Production Environment sharing the same code base, and may not be shared across multiple AEM Sites, AEM Assets Enterprise, AEM Assets Ultimate, or AEM Forms programs. Each additional Development Environment includes up to 200 gigabytes of Storage. Development Environments do not auto-scale to support additional capacity and cannot be used for high volumes or load testing.

Dynamic Media.

  • Dynamic Media may be added to AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, or AEM Assets Enterprise. For clarity, Dynamic Media may not be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials.
  • Dynamic Media is provided with 1 terabyte of aggregate on-demand storage. Access to some of the features and functionality included in Dynamic Media may be provided through alternate interfaces, which may be branded as Adobe Scene7 or Dynamic Media Classic. Adobe may, at its sole discretion, update the branding of the alternate interfaces and consolidate such features and functionality into a single access interface. When Dynamic Media is licensed as an add-on to AEM Sites, Customer may access and use AEM Assets within the AEM Sites environment only for Customer Content to be delivered by Dynamic Media. If Customer exceeds the sum of its licensed Page Views for the prior 12-month period at any time, Customer must license additional Page Views.
  • If Customer currently licenses Dynamic Media, Customer may obtain access to Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities by requesting access from Adobe via support ticket, subject to the following terms in this paragraph. Such request must be made prior to December 31, 2024 and during Customer’s License Term for Dynamic Media. Access to Dynamic Media with OpenAPIs capabilities will last until the expiration of the Dynamic Media License Term during which such request was made. Access will not carry over to any new or renewal terms for Dynamic Media. If Customer wishes to continue to use Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities after such expiration, Customer must license a package of Dynamic Media that includes Dynamic Media with OpenAPIs capabilities by default. By requesting Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities, Customer acknowledges that usage of such features may result in increased Page Views.

Enhanced Security. Enhanced Security may be added to AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, AEM Forms, and AEM Screens. For clarity, Enhanced Security may not be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials. Customer may only enable Enhanced Security in Cloud Manager for the product solutions and specific programs for which Customer purchased Enhanced Security. Customer cannot change which programs Enhanced Security is attached to after program creation in Cloud Manager. If Customer wishes to add or remove Enhanced Security to/from an existing program, Customer must start over in a new program (i.e., create a new program in Cloud Manager).

Essentials User. Additional Essentials Users may be licensed for use with AEM Assets Essentials.

Image Authoring Workstation. Image Authoring Workstation Instances may only be added to AEM Assets Ultimate and AEM Assets Enterprise when Dynamic Media is already licensed. For clarity, Image Authoring Workstation cannot be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials. Customer must not install Image Authoring Workstation on any server, shared, or hosted system that allows Image Authoring Workstation to be used or accessed by multiple Computers or used by multiple Users.

Light User. Additional Light Users may only be added to AEM Assets Enterprise to access Asset Share and Brand Portal. For clarity, Light Users cannot be added to AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Prime, or AEM Assets Essentials.

Limited User. Limited Users may only be added to AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime. For clarity, Limited Users cannot be added to AEM Assets Enterprise or AEM Assets Essentials. Limited Users must be licensed separately for each AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime deployments.

Personalized Media. Personalized Media may only be added to AEM Assets Ultimate and AEM Assets Enterprise when Dynamic Media has been licensed. For clarity, Personalized Media may not be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials. Personalized Media includes access to Visual Configurator and 1:1 Templating, and 10 Image Authoring Workstation licenses. The Dynamic Media functionality included with Personalized Media (when licensed separate from Dynamic Media) can only be used to enable Customer’s use of the Visual Configurator and 1:1 Templates components of Personalized Media. Access to some of the features and functionality included in Personalized Media may be provided through alternate interfaces, which may be branded as Adobe Scene7 or Dynamic Media Classic. Adobe may, at its sole discretion, update the branding of the alternate interfaces and consolidate such features and functionality into a single access interface. If Customer exceeds the sum of its licensed Page Views for the prior 12-month period at any time, Customer must license additional Page Views.

Power User. Power Users may only be added to AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime. For clarity, Power Users cannot be added to AEM Assets Enterprise or AEM Assets Essentials. Power Users must be licensed separately for each AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime deployments.

Rapid Development Environment. Rapid Development Environment may be added to AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets Enterprise, or AEM Forms. For clarity, Rapid Development Environments cannot be added to AEM Assets Prime or AEM Assets Essentials.

Sandbox. Sandboxes may be licensed independently for non-production and non-commercial use cases only. Each Sandbox is limited to 200 gigabytes of Storage. A Sandbox environment will automatically be hibernated if no activity is detected in a Sandbox environment for 8 hours (“Hibernation Mode”). The environments included with a Sandbox are deleted after 6 months of being in continuous Hibernation Mode, after which time the environments can be recreated by Customer. Sandboxes do not support a customer-provided content delivery network or any of the advanced networking configurations otherwise available in AEM as a Cloud Service. Storage. Storage may be added to the Production Environment, Stage Environments, or Edge Delivery Services of AEM Sites, AEM Assets Ultimate, AEM Assets or AEM Forms, or to the Production Environment of AEM Assets Prime. For AEM Assets Prime, Customer cannot have more than 30 terabytes total of Storage, regardless of how much Storage is purchased via Add Ons.

WAF DDoS Protection. WAF DDoS Protection may be added to AEM Sites and AEM Forms. Customer may only enable WAF DDoS Protection in Cloud Manager for the product solutions and specific programs for which Customer purchased WAF DDoS Protection.


Add-on(s) means additional Products and Services that may be licensed by Customer and identified on the Sales Order.

Admin Console means Adobe Admin Console, a service which provides a central location for managing Adobe entitlements across an organization.

API Call means a HTTP application program interface (API) request to get or change data by an application that is using an HTTP client to make the request. 

Asset Operation means one API Call to a single Content Automation Service for application to a single asset. An Asset Operation does not include a status “polling” call.

Author Tier means the production-environment author instance(s) of the Origin Delivery Service.

Brand Portal means the Brand Portal On-demand Service. Brand Portal operates in a multitenant environment outside of the AEM Assets Enterprise or AEM Assets Ultimate environment. As a result, Brand Portal is not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of AEM Assets Enterprise or AEM Assets Ultimate.

Collaborator User means a named individual who may access or use AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime, as applicable, only through an integration with other Products and Services, to the extent available and separately licensed by Customer (e.g., accessing Asset Selector within Adobe Creative Cloud or Adobe Workfront, if available). Collaborator Users cannot directly access the AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime user interface. Collaborator Users may search or download digital assets within Content Hub if granted appropriate permissions by Customer. Collaborator User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one Collaborator User or computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Collaborator Users or individuals.

Concurrent Users means the number of Users logged in and active (i.e., performing at least one operation) in the Author Tier of the Production Environment of AEM Sites or AEM Forms, as applicable, within the same thirty-minute time period. The out-of-the-box, non-customized AEM Sites and AEM Forms deployed as a Cloud Service have been scoped to support a specified number of Concurrent Users (as detailed in the description of AEM Sites and AEM Forms) based on the average User-driven load placed on the Production Environment. If the number of Concurrent Users at any point exceeds the number of Concurrent Users specified in the description of AEM Sites or AEM Forms, or Customer’s average User-driven load placed on the Production Environment exceeds Adobe’s pre-scoped average, Customer may experience performance limitations during authoring activity. If Customer’s average User-driven load placed on the Production Environment is less than Adobe’s pre-scoped average, Customers’ AEM Sites or AEM Forms deployment may support more than the specified number of Concurrent Users (as detailed in the description AEM Sites and AEM Forms).

Consumer User means a user who may browse, select, and use assets from AEM Assets Essentials using the Asset Selector feature.

Content Automation Services means the out-of-the-box and Customer-developed Content Automation features using the Photoshop API, Lightroom/Camera Raw API, and Sensei Image Cutout Services included with Content Automation.

Content Fragments means a unit of structured content with content elements whose interrelationships are defined in a content model.

Content Hub User means an individual who may access or use Content Hub. Content Hub User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one Content Hub User or computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Content Hub Users. Unless a Content Hub User is also a Standard User, such Content Hub User cannot upload content to Content Hub or access certain integrations within Content Hub for which they may be separately licensed.

Content Requests means a request coming into AEM Sites (including in connection with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Sites) or any Customer-provided caching system (e.g., content delivery network) to deliver content or data in either HTML format via Page Views (e.g., pages and fragments) or JSON format via API Calls (e.g., headless). Content Requests are counted either as a Page View or 5 API Calls, measured at the ingress of the first caching system to receive a Content Request. Certain HTTP requests are included or excluded for purposes of counting Content Requests; the full list of such included and excluded HTTP requests, as well as their technical definitions, are available in the Documentation.

Content Services means a set of capabilities to expose user-defined content through APIs in JSON format.

Development Environment means the non-production environment for performing development functions such as designing, coding, testing and quality assurance. 

Document Rendition means the rendering of a Document by combining a template and data, digitally signing or certifying a Document, or the conversion of a Document from one format to another, regardless of the length or final format of the Document.

Document of Record means a pdf representation of the form that is generated upon submission which may be downloaded by the end user submitting the form or archived by the Customer.

Edge Delivery Services Preview Tier means the endpoint of the Origin Delivery Service, which serves code and content for preview purposes.

Edge Delivery Services Publish Tier means the endpoint of the Origin Delivery Service, which serves published code and content to Customer’s intended audience.

Essentials User means a user who may use or access all of the capabilities of AEM Assets Essentials to perform asset management operations, including bulk upload, review and approval of assets, and digital asset governance. Essentials Users may also access and use the Asset Selector feature.

Fonts means fonts identified as “Licensed for print and preview embedding” here:

Form Submission means the submission of data from any form of any type authored by AEM Forms (including in connection with Edge Delivery Services for AEM Forms) that results in the submission of data to a database, or other storage repository, regardless of location. Where a form consists of multiple pages or panels, a submission of the form is considered a single Form Submission. Partially completed forms do not count as Form Submissions; only the final form submission is considered a Form Submission.

Generation means each time Customer inputs information, such as a prompt, into a Generative AI Feature and receives a response. Generations may be done actively (e.g., by clicking “generate” or “re-generate” or other similar action), or may be done automatically by a process set up by a user.

Generative AI Feature is defined within the Adobe DX GenAI Terms, available at

Generative Action means the credits quantifying Customer’s permitted use of a Generative AI Feature through Generation that is licensed within AEM. Features that effect Generation through another Product or Service with a separately required license (e.g. features within AEM that require a license to Adobe Express or Adobe Firefly to use), use their equivalent of Generative Actions instead (e.g. “Generative Credit” usage within Adobe Firefly). Except as otherwise specified, Generation-based licenses that originate from one feature or license are not transferable or usable in other Products and Services.

Guides Content means content which is created, edited, and managed in AEM Guides including DITA topics, DITA maps, and related assets (e.g., images, multimedia, document schema and other configuration files).

Guides Reviewer means a named User whose use of Guides Content is limited to review-type tasks, which may include annotating, providing comments, and approving Guides Content.

Guides User means a named User who, in addition to the capabilities of a Guides Reviewer, may contribute to or manage the Guides Content, including creating, translating, publishing, and creating renditions of, Guides Content.

Light User means an individual who may use or access Asset Share or Brand Portal. Light User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one User or Computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Users. Light Users may not access AEM Assets Enterprise via console, integrations, nor API; a Standard User is required for such uses. Light Users may not access Content Hub.

Limited User means a named individual who may search or download digital assets within Content Hub. Limited Users cannot directly access the AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime user interface or any integrations that may be available within Content Hub, even if such user is otherwise separately licensed to access the Product and Service integrated with Content Hub. Limited User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one Content Hub User or computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Limited Users.

Media Library means the following functionalities available in AEM Assets for use at the individual digital asset level: storage of ready to use digital assets in support of Customer’s web content management system and enterprise document and form use cases; managing metadata properties under the Properties Basic tab; accessing the Timeline features (including viewing Comments, managing asset Versions, starting Workflows and viewing Activities); adding comments via the Annotate icon; managing static Renditions; for web and digital usage. Use of any other features of AEM Assets requires a full AEM Assets license.

Origin Delivery Service means services managed by Adobe’s worldwide data centers, which are used to deliver content not cached by the CDN.

Page View means a single view of an email or web page of an internet site, including application screen views, application screen states, mobile web pages, and social network pages. Page Views occur each time a web page is loaded or refreshed, an application is loaded, or when content renders or is shown through an opened or viewed email. With respect solely to Dynamic Media, (a) Page Views are further counted any time a request triggers activity at the origin and/or cache service, and (b) Page Views are counted on all of Customer’s internet sites, applications, mobile web pages, and social network pages, irrespective of Dynamic Media use.

Player means a digital media computer on which the AEM Screens application is installed for the purpose of managing content and experiences on a display panel. One Player may only drive up to two displays and may not be used to re-broadcast content to more displays.

Power User means a named individual who may access or use the capabilities of AEM Assets Ultimate or AEM Assets Prime, as applicable, whether directly or through an integration; provided that Customer may choose to limit certain access or use capabilities of Power Users. Power User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one Power User or computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Power Users or individuals.

Production Environment means the environment that makes content available to Customer’s intended audience. 

Publish Tier means the production-environment publisher and dispatcher instance(s) of the Origin Delivery Service.

Real User Monitoring (RUM) is a type of performance monitoring that captures and analyzes certain operational information about a Customer website or web application. RUM is intended to help Adobe and Customer understand more about end-users' experience of Customer websites or web applications, and the performance of Customer’s implementations of AEM Sites. Although RUM is enabled by default, Customers may opt out by following the RUM opt-out process described in the Documentation. For more information about the RUM service, please refer to the Documentation.

Sandbox means a program for deploying disposable instances of a Development Environment, a Stage Environment, a Production Environment and Edge Delivery Services for non-production use cases (e.g. proof of concept, demos and training). Sandboxes and the included environments are not covered by the service level agreement terms for any Adobe Experience Manager Products or Services.

Smart Content Services means the Smart Content Services On-demand Service. Customer may elect to send its tagged images to Smart Content Services for processing. Customer acknowledges that such processing will enable Smart Content Services to learn and more closely replicate Customer’s tagging methodology when processing future images. Smart Content Services operates in a multitenant environment outside of the AEM Assets environment. As a result, Smart Content Services is not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of AEM Assets.

Stage Environment means the environment used to validate application changes before being pushed to the Production Environment via a deployment pipeline. 

Standard User means an individual (either an employee or temporary worker of Customer) who may use or access the Products and Services, including programmatically through an integration (e.g., accessing Adobe Creative Cloud). Standard User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one Standard User or Computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Standard Users. Standard Users may be sold with further limited functionality purely to support integration use cases; in these cases, Standard Users can only access AEM Assets Enterprise through such integrations (e.g. Workfront).

Storage means the total combined storage available, at any one time, for all active data in the Production Environment, Stage Environments, and Edge Delivery Services. For AEM Assets Essentials, Storage means the total combined storage available, at any one time, for all active data and content in AEM Assets Essentials.

Unit means 1 million GB-seconds per month.

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