Learn how to search for and find photos.
What you'll need
What you learned: Search by content
- Lightroom CC can help you find photos by what’s in them, even if you have not added keywords to the photos. Your photos are auto-tagged in the Cloud so you can search for them by content.
- To search your entire photo library, select All Photos in the My Photos panel on the left. Or choose an album to search.
- Make sure you have an internet connection active, because search occurs in the Cloud.
- In the Search box at the top of the workspace, enter an item you think appears in some of your photos, like “water” or “food”, and press Enter or Return. Search returns photos that contain the subject for which you searched.
- To reset the search and view all the photos in the source again, click the X in the search box.
What you learned: Apply flags and star ratings
- Click the Detail view icon in the toolbar to review your photos in large format.
- Select a photo in the Filmstrip. To add a positive flag to the photo, click the Pick Flag icon in the toolbar or press Z on your keyboard. To add a negative flag to the photo, click the Reject Flag icon in the toolbar or press X on your keyboard. To remove a flag from a photo, select the photo and press U on your keyboard.
- You can also add a star rating to a selected photo. Select the photo and click one to five stars in the toolbar, or press a corresponding number key on your keyboard.
- To cycle from one photo to another as you review and rate your photos, click photos in the Filmstrip or press the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard.
- Alternatively, you can add flags and stars in Photo Grid view or Square Grid view.
What you learned: Use filters to find photos
- To filter your entire photo library, select All Photos in the My Photos panel on the left. Or choose an album to filter.
- Click Refine Search (the funnel icon) to the right of the search box to open the filter bar.
- Click one or more filters in the filter bar to view responsive photos. For example, to view only photos to which you’ve added a Pick flag, click the Pick Flag filter.
- Click Reset in the filter bar before starting a new search, because filters act together. For example, if you leave the Pick Flag filter active and click the Unflagged filter, Lightroom CC returns photos that either have a Pick flag or no flag.
- You can use other filters in the Filter bar to find items by the number of stars they have, by format (photo or video), by keywords you’ve applied, by cameras with which photos were shot, and by location.
- You can also use filters to refine the results of a search.
- To close the Filter bar, click Refine Search (the funnel icon) again.
Disyembre 28, 2022
Photographer: Jillian Lukiwski
Photographer: Pablo Alarcon
Photographer: Adrien Radford
Presenter: Jan Kabili