Troubleshoot issues exporting video on macOS

Learn how to resolve video rendering issues on macOS in Photoshop.

Render Video progress stops

Issue Workaround 1

When rendering videos in Photoshop on macOS, the progress bar stops and doesn't progress any further.

Disable any antivirus software and try the video render again.

Workaround 2

Delete all empty Trace Database.txt file(s)

  1. Quit Photoshop
  2. In the Finder, hold the Option key and select Go > Library
  3. Navigate to: /Library/Preferences/Adobe/amecommand
  4. Open each subfolder in that location and look for a file called Trace Database.txt. Delete all versions of this file that contain no text entry. 
  5. Next, navigate to: /Library/Preferences/Adobe/dynamiclinkmediaserver and delete any empty Trace Database.txt files here.
  6. Restart Photoshop

Repeat these steps if the video rendering issue occurs again.

Render Video is stuck while initializing


Workaround 1

When rendering videos in Photoshop on macOS, "Initializing.." never completes

Delete all Adobe entries in Keychain Access

  1. Quit Photoshop
  2. Open the macOS Utility Keychain Access
  3. In the Login section, click the Name column to sort items alphabetically
  4. Select all entries that start with Adobe and press Delete
  5. Click Delete on the confirmation dialog 
  6. You will be prompted to Sign into your Adobe ID next time you start Photoshop. 
  7. Try to render video again

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