Click the "x" button in the upper-right corner to close the EULA dialog box.
Last updated on
Dis 28, 2022
Also applies to Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Suite, Global or OS
A Creative Cloud application doesn't launch and you're unable to proceed on the End-User License Agreement (EULA) dialog box.
Some users face an issue where the EULA dialog box on product launch isn't dismissed even after they click Accept on the license agreement dialog box. The product does not launch and the user is stuck on the EULA dialog box.

Download and install the latest version of AAM (Adobe Application Manager).
- AAM is a self-extracting package and you could get the latest AAM/ASU from this web page:
Now launch the product. The EULA dialog box appears. Clicking Accept dismisses the dialog box.
If updating the AAM does not address the issue described above, do the following:
- Close the EULA by clicking the "x" button in the upper-right corner.
- Browse to the following location and delete the _LicenseAgreement.xml file.
- Windows - %appdata%\..\Local\Adobe\OOBE\
- Mac OS - ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/
- Launch the product. The EULA dialog box appears. Clicking Accept dismisses the dialog box.