Tools missing from the toolbar

Some tools appear to be missing from the toolbar in Photoshop. Learn how to bring back to tools.


Some tools appear to be missing from the toolbar.

Photoshop allows for customization to control what tools are visible in the toolbar. These toolbar customization settings are saved with your preferences and can also be saved as part of a workspace.

The following situations may cause problems with tools disappearing:

  • If you update Photoshop to the latest version and save your Preferences or Workspace settings, the toolbar will not include the latest tools, such as the Frame Tool or Object Selection Tool
  • After switching to another workspace (one of the workspaces found under Window > Workspace)

If the tool you want to use looks like this situation, follow the given workaround.

Restore the toolbar defaults

Select Edit > Toolbar and then Restore Defaults

Reset or switch back to the Essentials workspace

Go to Window > Workspace, then select Essentials (Default) or Reset Essentials

Reset to Essentials workspace by navigating to Window > Workspace
Reset to Essentials workspace

Customize the toolbar

  1. Select Edit > Toolbar.

  2. In the Customize Toolbar dialog, if you see your missing tool in the Extra Tools list in the right column, drag it to the Toolbar list.

  3. Select Done

Drag the tools from the Extra tools column to the Toolbar column.
Customize Toolbar dialog

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