Invite others to edit your cloud documents

Easily invite others to collaborate and edit your Photoshop cloud documents directly from the app

The Invite to edit feature allows you to invite others to edit your Photoshop cloud documents.

Topics in this article:

Easily find the Share button in Photoshop and invite others to edit with you


Collaborating with fellow designers has never been easier. Updated in Photoshop 24.0 (October 2022 release), you'll see a big blue Share button in your Photoshop workspace that gives you the review collaboration option — Share for review.

Navigate to the Invite to edit dialog

Introduced in Photoshop 24.3 (March 2023 release)

Navigate to the Invite to edit link from the Share button in Photoshop
Navigate to the Invite to edit link from the Share button in Photoshop

The Invite to edit feature in Photoshop allows asynchronous editing where each collaborator can edit a shared cloud document, one at a time.

Use the Share button or navigate to File > Invite to Edit to work with the Invite to edit dialog. Invite people to edit your cloud document and view their feedback.

For the first few times when using the Share button, you'll view a welcome screen introducing the Share for review functionality. 

Use the Maybe later button to navigate to Share for Review, from which you can select Invite to edit at the bottom of the dialog. 

Invite others to edit


If multiple people try to edit a shared cloud document simultaneously, a version conflict may arise. In this case, a conflict avoidance dialog will appear, suggesting you delay editing the document while someone else is editing or create a copy of the shared cloud document to proceed with editing. 


  1. Open a cloud document in Photoshop and choose any of these:

    • Share button > Invite to edit

    • Window > Comments
    Window > Comments

    • File > Invite to edit (when working with a local document)

  2. In the Save to Creative Cloud to share dialog that opens, select the Continue button to work seamlessly across devices by saving your document as a cloud document and inviting people to edit.

    Save to Creative Cloud to share

  3. Add collaborators to the invitation by entering their email addresses.

    Further, you can select the gear icon to see link settings and control the access provided to your intended collaborators. 

    Add names or email ids for inviting people to edit

    Change link settings for invite to edit

  4. Type an optional note to recipients under the Message... box before sending the invitation.

    Select the Invite to edit button to send your invitation.

    Select the Invite to edit button

    Invitation is sent to added collaborators


You can now easily collaborate on your Photoshop cloud documents by inviting others to view and edit your document from your iPad.

Simply open a cloud document in Photoshop on the iPad and select the Share icon in the top right corner of the app and choose Invite to edit. Any document you create with Photoshop on the iPad is automatically saved as a cloud document, so you need not worry about saving your document as a cloud document first.


Adobe Photoshop deeplink

Try the web app

Bring your creative vision to life with Photoshop now available on your web browser, no download required.

Similar to Photoshop on the iPad, you can simply open a cloud document in Photoshop on the web and select the Share button in the top right corner of the app and choose Invite people. By default, documents you create with Photoshop on the web are cloud documents. 

Access Photoshop on the web via Creative Cloud website
Open a cloud document in Photoshop on the web via the app home screen


You can also invite others to comment using Photoshop on the desktop, iPad, or web, even if they don't have an active Photoshop subscription. Simply generate a link and share with others and let them view, comment and annotate on the image file.

Manage shared documents

After sending an invitation, you will see the names of recipients listed in the Share document dialog.

To leave the share when you no longer need access to a file, hover the cursor over your own name and click Leave. To remove another collaborator, hover the cursor over the name and click RemoveAlso, collaborators cannot remove the owner of the shared document. 

Receive an invitation to edit

The invitation to edit cloud documents is accepted automatically. You can see the invitation via email and Creative Cloud desktop/web.


Open the email invitation and click Open to see your shared cloud document on the web.

invite to edit-mail
Email invitation to edit a Photoshop cloud document

Creative Cloud website or desktop app

  1.  In the Creative Cloud desktop app or Creative Cloud website, click the bell icon () in the top right corner to see your notifications.
  2. Click the notification for a shared document to open the shared document on the web.
Click on button to open the file in Photoshop
Invitation from a Creative Cloud desktop app notification

3. Click the Open in drop-down button if you want to open the document in Photoshop on the desktop or the web and begin editing.

If Photoshop is not already installed, you will be prompted to install it. If necessary, you will be required to update your Photoshop version.

Access cloud documents shared with you

To edit a shared cloud document, follow the shared link as you're taken to Photoshop on the web app, where you can see the comments panel. Select the comment icon on the upper-right corner to collapse the comments panel anytime and start editing the document.


In the home screen, under the Files section, click the Shared with you tab from the left navigation to see all of your shared cloud documents.

Select a document to open it and begin editing.

Click the Shared with you tab to see shared documents from within Photoshop
Access shared cloud documents from Photoshop


In the home screen, under the Files section, tap the Shared with you tab from the left navigation panel to view all of your shared cloud documents.

Select a document to open it and begin editing.

Tap the Shared with you tab to see shared documents from within Photoshop on the iPad
Access shared cloud documents from Photoshop on the iPad


In the home screen, under the Recent section, click the Shared with you tab to view all of your shared cloud documents.

Select a document to open it and begin editing.

Click the Recent > Shared with you tab to see shared documents from within Photoshop on the web.
Access shared cloud documents from Photoshop on the web.

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