Learn how to work with photos, titles, and graphics in Adobe Premiere Pro.
What you'll need
Work with image files
Import and edit photos and graphics using the Media Browser panel.
What you learned: Add images
- Add photos to a sequence just as you would add video clips.
- If you import a PSD file from Adobe Photoshop, you can choose which layers you would like to import.
- You can change the still image playback duration from its 5-second default length by choosing Edit > Preferences > Timeline > Still Image Default Duration (Windows) or Premiere Pro Application Menu > Preferences > Timeline > Still Image Default Duration (macOS).
Create a new title
Create your own original titles and graphics with the Essential Graphics panel.
What you learned: Create a title
- Use the Browse tab in the Essential Graphics panel to find prebuilt title templates that you can drag directly into your sequence.
- Use the Type tool to edit the contents of a template title or to create a new one.
- With a title selected, use the Edit tab in the Essential Graphics panel to change settings such as font, color, and layout.
- Each piece of text in a title is on a separate layer, displayed at the top of the Edit tab. Select the layer you would like to change to adjust its settings.
- Drag layers up or down in the Essential Graphics panel so they appear in front of or behind other layers. Upper layers are in front of lower layers.
- Switch back to the Editing workspace when you have finished.
Change the size of clips
Not all media you import into your project will match the frame size of your sequence.
What you learned: Resize clips
- By default, oversized video clips and photos will be cropped to the frame size of your sequence once you edit them onto a track.
- To resize a clip so that it fits inside your sequence frame, right-click the clip in the sequence and choose Set To Frame Size.
- If the clip aspect ratio doesn’t match your sequence, you can use the Scale and Position controls in the Effect Controls panel to make adjustments. Use the Rotation controls to fix things like a horizon line that isn’t level.
- Select a clip in the Timeline panel to see controls for it in the Effect Controls panel.
Sep 20, 2017