Send documents for signature | New experience

You can get documents signed by others using the Request e-signatures tool, which relies on cloud services provided by Adobe Acrobat Sign. It lets signers quickly sign agreements from anywhere using a web browser or mobile device. Signers are not required to purchase any Adobe product to sign the agreements.


Adobe is testing a new Request e-signatures experience in Acrobat, as explained in this document. The experience may not be available to all users.

Send the document to get signatures from others

  1. Open the PDF form in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and then choose SignRequest e-signatures.

    Alternatively, you can select All tools in the global bar, and then select Request e-signatures.

  2. In the Request Signatures window, enter the Email and Name of the recipient and select Continue.

    If you want to add more recipients or add yourself, select Add recipient or Add yourself option from the top, or select the + icon and then choose Add recipient or Add yourself.

    Add recipients
    Request signatures – Add recipients

    The left pane provides information on getting signatures from others workflow. If you want your document to be signed in a particular order, select Recipients must sign in order and then use the arrow keys to rearrange the recipient's list.

    Choose the order of signing the document

  3. Acrobat opens the form in author mode, which provides simplified authoring with the capability of assigning fields to multiple signers. In the author mode, you can do the following:

    • Acrobat automatically detects and auto-highlights form fields. Select the highlighted areas to add the pre-detected form fields to your document.
    Add form fields
    Add form fields

    • When you select a signer from the left pane and add fields in the form, the fields are assigned to the signer. That means those fields will be available to the signer to fill in the information and sign the form.
    • If you have an existing Acrobat form that you are trying to edit, Acrobat automatically converts the placed form fields.
    • Each form field is color-coded based on the recipient it's meant to be filled out for.
    • You can also select fields from the left pane and place them where desired in the document.
    • Right-click a form field to Change recipientsChange field type, mark it as a Required field, or Customize field.
    Each form field is color coded based on the recipient it is meant to be filled out for.
    The form field is color-coded based on the recipient it's meant to be filled out for

    • If you must edit the form or make a few changes, select the Edit mega verb in the global bar, make the edits, and select the Sign mega verb to return to the form where you left off. You can also return to the Fill & Sign app from the Sign mega verb by selecting the back button.
    • If you want to add more recipients to your document, select Edit above the list of recipients on the left pane. Acrobat displays the Add recipients window as shown in Step 2. Add the recipients and select Continue to return to authoring the form.
    • You can save the agreement as a draft to complete form creation later. Select Save and choose if you want to save your document to local storage or Adobe cloud. Acrobat appends agreement draft to the file name. If you close the document without saving, Acrobat prompts you to save the draft. Once saved, you can access your agreement draft from the Drafts section of Agreements in Acrobat Home.
    Save agreement draft

  4. After you've added the form fields, select Review & send on the left pane.

  5. Acrobat prompts you to add signature fields for your recipients. Select Continue to automatically place a signature field for each recipient at the end of your document.

    Add a signature field

  6. Do the following in the Review and send window, and then select Send.

    • Enter the Agreement name. By default, the name of the PDF is added as the name of the agreement.
    • Enter an appropriate Message as appropriate.
    • (Optional) If you want to add more people just for information, use the Add CC button to add their email addresses to the CC list.
    • In the Set reminder section, you can choose how often reminders should be sent until the agreement is completed. 
    Review and send
    Review and send

  7. The document is sent for signature to the recipients, and a confirmation notice is displayed. In the confirmation dialog, do any of the following:

    • Save agreement as a template to reuse in the future. Once saved, the agreement is found in the Templates section of Agreements in Acrobat Home.
    • Track this agreement to view activity, send reminders, and more. Acrobat opens the Agreements section in Acrobat Home to view the status of each sent agreement.
    • Send another agreement to others for signing. Upon selection, Acrobat prompts you to choose an agreement to send to others for signing.
    Sent for signature confirmation

    You receive an email from Acrobat Sign stating that the agreements have been sent to the first signer for signature. The first signer also receives an email with a link to sign the agreement. When the signer adds his or her signature in the signature field and then selects the Review and sign button, the agreement is sent to the next signer with a link to sign, and so on. Once the agreement is signed by all the signers, everyone gets a copy of the signed agreement.

Signer's experience

A signer receives an email with a link to sign the agreement. Also, if the signer uses Acrobat or Acrobat Reader desktop application, the signer sees a notification that an agreement has been shared for signing.

Signer's experience
Signer's experience


Signers are not required to sign up or purchase any Adobe product to sign agreements. They can sign agreements using a web browser, mobile device, or Acrobat or Acrobat Reader desktop application.

Track agreements sent for signature

You can track which agreements are out for signature, signed, or waiting for your signature.

Individual and Team users

In Acrobat Home, go to Agreements. The agreements are grouped as follows:

  • All - Lists all the agreements that are shared for signature.
  • In process - Lists the agreements that are currently in process.
  • Waiting for you - Lists the agreements waiting for your signature.
  • Completed agreements.
  • Drafts - Lists the agreements saved as drafts.
  • Templates - Lists the agreements saved as templates for reuse.
  • Canceled agreements.
  • Expired agreements.

You can also sort the agreements based on Name, Date Sent/Received, Sender, or Status.

View shared agreements
View agreements

Steps to disable the new request signatures experience

Create a bEnableNativeRS registry key on Windows or the corresponding key on a plist file on macOS.

On Windows

  1. Quit Acrobat application.

  2. Open the registry editor -  go to Run (Windows menu + R), type regedit.exe in the Open field and select OK.

  3. In the registry editor, navigate to the following location and create the DWORD key bEnableNativeRS and set it's value to 0.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown

    • If bEnableNativeRS value = 0, the new Request Signatures experience is disabled.
    • If bEnableNativeRS value = 1, the new Request Signatures experience is enabled.
  4. Close the registry editor.

On mac OS

  1. Quit the Acrobat application.

  2. Navigate to the folder /Volume/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Preferences/.

  3. Open the com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist file in any plist editor.

  4. Add the bEnableNativeRS entry in the com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist file and set it's value to 0.

    • If bEnableNativeRS value = 0, the new Request Signatures experience is disabled.
    • If bEnableNativeRS value = 1, the new Request Signatures experience is enabled.
  5. Close the plist file.

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