Output your work from After Effects.

Render a composition with the render queue

Render your compositions with the Render Queue.


What you learned: Render a composition

The term render refers to the process of publishing your work, which creates self- contained files viewable outside of After Effects:

  1. Select the desired composition in the Project panel.
  2. From the main menu, select Composition > Add to Render Queue. You will see the Render Queue panel open in the bottom part of the interface.
  3. The default settings will work fine for a high-resolution output.
    There are three main areas to focus on in the Render Queue panel: 
    • Render Settings: Click the blue type Best Settings to adjust the quality settings, set overall size (height and width), or choose a custom range of frames to render out.
    • Output Module: Click the blue type Lossless to specify the format of the kind of file being created or, if applicable, the audio settings.
    • Output To: Click the blue type to the right of the words Output To and then choose the name of the output file and where to save it. 

Create multiple renders in Adobe Media Encoder

Render multiple file formats using Adobe Media Encoder.


What you learned: Create multiple renders

  1. Select the composition to output in the Project panel.
  2. From the main menu, choose Composition > Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue to launch Adobe Media Encoder.
    The composition appear in the Queue in the upper right quadrant of the Adobe Media Encoder interface. The Queue displays the list of files set for output. It’s also the panel where you choose the name of the file to render, its format, and the location where the file will reside once it’s rendered.
  3. In the Queue panel, work from left to right and use the downward facing arrows in the first two columns to specify the file format and compression preset. Click the blue type under Output File to rename the file and choose where it will be stored.
  4. At the top of the Queue, select the name of the composition you set to render in the Queue.
  5. Click the Add Output button (second button from the left under the Queue tab) to add another output and repeat the same process to specify the file format, compression preset, filename, and destination.


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25 aug. 2022

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