Even after updating the code successfully in crx/de, the newly deployed sightly code does not reflect in the AEM site. The site still displays the older sightly code on some publish instances.
AEM 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Since, the code is deployed properly to all the publish instances, the issue is with the recompilation of sightly code on a particular instance or instances.
Whenever a code deployment takes place on an AEM instance, the newly deployed code must force a recompile of the existing code when the associated page is requested. There is a known issue with Sightly[1], which does not properly detect the newly added code and therefore, it does not force a recompilation.
The complete solution for this problem is available in the AEM release featuring the Scripting HTL Engine version 1.0.34. In the meantime, incorporate the following steps into the deployment process to ensure a uniform experience on all the AEM instances.
- Place the script [2] in the AEM install directory and grant the AEM user privileges to execute it.
- Go to the location, where the script is placed on AEM server and execute it using the following command. In the following example, the sample script is placed in the AEM install directory.
./ crx-quickstart/ http://localhost:4526 admin:admin
- The output looks as the following:
stopping the bundle... deleting file sytem classes cache: /Users/ anearora /Desktop/AEM/6.2/TestServer/ crx -quickstart/launchpad/ felix /bundle305/data/classes ... deleting /var/classes in the JCR... starting the bundle...
It clears out the previously compiled libraries and forces the updated libraries to compile when the associated page is requested.
#!/bin/bash if [[ $# -ne 3 || $1 == "-h" ]]; then echo "Usage: <crx-quickstart-dir> <http://server:port> <user:password>" echo echo "Example arguments: crx-quickstart/ http://localhost:4502 admin:admin" echo echo "This will force a recompilation of all Sling scripts (jsps, java, sightly etc.)." exit fi dir="$1" host="$2" user="$3" if [ ! -d "$dir/../crx-quickstart" ]; then echo "No crx-quickstart directory found." exit fi echo "stopping the bundle..." bundle="" curl -f -s -S -u $user -F action=stop $host/system/console/bundles/$bundle > /dev/null exitCode=$? if [ $exitCode -ne 0 ]; then echo if [ $exitCode -eq 22 ]; then echo "Invalid admin password." fi echo "aborted."; exit fi cd "$dir" classesDir=`find launchpad/felix -path "*/bundle*/data/classes" -type d` if [ -d "$classesDir" ]; then echo "deleting file sytem classes cache: `pwd`/$classesDir ..." rm -rf "$classesDir" else echo "file system classes cache empty or already cleared" fi echo "deleting /var/classes in the JCR..." curl -f -s -S -u $user -X DELETE $host/var/classes > /dev/null echo "starting the bundle..." curl -f -s -S -u $user -F action=start $host/system/console/bundles/$bundle > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "aborted, bundle was likely not restarted."; exit fi echo "done."