Classic Send page environment


The Send page is where you configure and send new ad hoc agreements. There are five functional sections to configure:

  1. The Send from group (UMG enabled accounts only) - The group selector defines the configurable options and available templates for the agreement. Configure this first, as resetting the group will refresh the page and remove any prior configurations.
  2. Recipients – Recipients are the people that you need to interact with your agreement. There are multiple types of “Recipients”. The available options are dictated by your account administrator.
  3. Message – Where you define the name of the agreement and a message you want to deliver to the recipients.
  4. Options – These options help control the agreement
  5. Files – This is where you select the actual documents you are sending for signature.
Send Page

Once logged in, select Send or Request e-signatures from the Home screen.

Sending Agreements

Sending documents and collecting signatures and approvals is what Acrobat Sign is all about! Every customer has different requirements regarding who needs to interact with the document and in what order, so there are a number of workflow features available in the Send page interface you should know about. 

Send page

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