LiveCycle Designer ES: Custom template path/reducing HDD space req. in user profiles (for Terminal Server/Citrix installations)



LiveCycle Designer copies a set of templates to the user profile for each user opening LiveCycle Designer. These templates consume about 14 MB per user profile and per language. In multiuser environments, like Terminal Server and Citrix, the extra template data can be an issue as disk quotas in user profiles tend to be restricted.  



The templates that LiveCycle Designer copies to the user profiles are stored in the program directory,

For example: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Designer 8.2\EN\Templates".

These template directories exist for each language installed.

Step 1:  Copy the template directories to a backup directory, a directory for common usage, or both.

Step 2: Delete those templates from the LiveCycle Designer program directory which are not required. You can also try to rename the Template directory to something else. For example rename the template directory as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Designer 8.2\EN\OLDTemplates".


Step 3: In each template directory exists a file named "LocalTemplates.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<templateTabSet default=".\Blank\Letter.tds">       <tabname="Blank" directory=".\Blank\" />       <tabname="Forms" directory=".\Common Forms\" />       <tabname="Forms - Vanilla" directory=".\Style7\" />       <tabname="Forms - Beige" directory=".\Style1\" />       <tabname="Forms - Blue" directory=".\Style9\" />       <tabname="Other" directory=".\Other\" /></templateTabSet> 

Edit these files to match the paths to the common directory. Both, Windows conventions and UNC paths can be used.

Example: <tabname="Forms - Blue" directory="c:\LC_templates\Style9\" />


Additional information

  • The trailing slash is important as it demarks a directory. 
  • Tabs will appear in LiveCycle Designer only if there is at least one template in in the directory associated to it in LocalTemplates.xml.

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