
2 мин

Share your videos to social media

Learn how to save your videos to your devices and easily share directly to your social media channels.

What you learned: Export videos to social media, add metadata and custom thumbnails, schedule videos, and control advanced custom render settings

In the first release of Premiere Rush, your social sharing destinations include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Behance. More destinations will be added over time.

  • Publish to any social destination by turning the switch to blue

  • Log in to your social media channel

For YouTube, follow these steps:

  • Select a playlist you would like your new video to be added to

  • Add a title, description, and tags, choose a privacy setting, upload a custom thumbnail, and schedule (optional)

  • Premiere Rush will automatically choose optimal export settings for the platform, but you can go to advanced settings to select a YouTube preset you prefer

  • Click Export. You will get one more chance to review your video before it is shared with the world

25 мая 2023 г.

Ознакомьтесь с этими руководствами к Premiere Rush

Создавайте онлайн-видео, редактируйте их и делитесь ими.