Use clip-based masks to constrain effects to image regions and to combine clips in a multi-layer sequence.

What you'll need

This sample file is an Adobe Stock asset you can use to practice what you learn in this tutorial. If you want to use the sample file beyond this tutorial, you can purchase a license on Adobe Stock. Check out the ReadMe file in the folder for the terms that apply to your use of this sample file. 

What you learned: By adding a mask, you can target effects to a specific area of an image, cut something out, or place images in front of or behind specific parts of a video

Mask an effect

You can use masks with many video effects to constrain the results of the effects to a particular area in the frame. For example, you can use a mask to constrain the Lumetri Color effect to highlight a face.

  1. Open the Lumetri Color panel and, from the Select Effect menu, choose Add Lumetri Color Effect.
  2. Open the Effect Controls panel where Lumetri Color is added to the list, just beneath Opacity.
  3. Before making any color adjustments, choose Create Ellipse Mask. A wireframe circle appears.

Adjustments can be made to the mask.

  • To reposition the mask, drag it in the Program Monitor.
  • To adjust the size of the mask, drag the edge control points.
  • To rotate the mask, position the pointer just outside an edge control point until the rotate icon appears. Then drag.

Track a mask

After applying a mask, you can choose to automatically track an object or a person moving in the frame. For example, the mask can automatically track a face from frame to frame as the person moves.

When you apply a mask, the Effect Controls panel displays tracking controls under the mask name.

Refine the mask

Mask Feathering controls allow you to soften the mask border.

  • Select the mask in the Effect Controls panel and, in the Program Monitor, drag the open circle at the end of the feathering handle.

Mask Expansion controls let you expand or contract a selected mask region. The mask expansion guide appears as a solid blue line on the Program Monitor and helps you to precisely expand or contract the mask.

  • Select the mask in the Effect Controls panel and, in the Program Monitor, drag the small square in the middle of the feathering handle.

Create an opacity mask

Masks applied to the Opacity effect allow you to cut a region out of a clip.

Create a free-form mask shape

  1. With a clip selected in the Timeline, open the Effect Controls panel. Under Opacity, select Free Draw Bezier (the Pen tool). This applies a mask to the Opacity effect.
  2. With this mask selected in the Effect Controls panel, use the Pen tool in the Program Monitor to add a point where you want the mask shape to begin.
  3. Continue moving the Pen tool and clicking to set points for additional straight segments.
  4. To close the path, position the Pen tool over the first point, and click to complete the mask shape.

Masks can be created and adjusted in several ways.

  • To create curved mask shapes, Option-click (macOS) or Alt-click (Windows) a mask point to add a Bezier handle.
  • Drag Bezier handles to adjust the curved mask shape.
  • To delete a mask point, click on it while holding Command (macOS) or Control (Windows).
  • To add a new point, click anywhere on the wireframe outline for the mask.
  • Adjust mask feathering and expansion as needed.

Invert the mask selection

  • Select the Inverted checkbox to reverse the masked and unmasked areas.

Tip: You can add multiple masks to the same clip. Their opacity settings will interact, but you can continue to independently adjust each mask’s shape and feathering and expansion controls. Be sure to select the name of the mask you want to adjust in the Effect Controls panel.


Back to: Ultra Key effect | Up next: Track Matte key


Adobe Stock Contributors: Blackboxguild, revelpix, MADDRAT, Sergiy Bykhunenko, Wundervisuals      

Presenter: Christine Steele   

Aug 25, 2022

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