Feature summary | Adobe Fresco (September 2022 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the September 2022 release of Fresco (version 3.9).

Create dynamic effects with multicolor swatches

Apply effects like theatrical 3D lettering to your artwork using multicolor swatches in the Color panel under All Fresco colors. These swatches work with both pixel and live brushes. You can also create multiple swatch variations using the hue slider in the HSB sliders section of the Color panel.

The built-in multicolor swatches help you combine an array of colors into a single brush stroke.

To learn more about how to create a multicolor swatch in Adobe Fresco, see Color.

Grow, shrink, and rotate your artwork with motion path controls

The motion path controls under Layer Properties help grow or shrink the size of the animation in your artwork as it moves along its motion path. You can also make the animation sway back and forth along its axis.

To learn more about how to use frame-by-frame and motion path techniques, see Apply motion to artwork.

Talk to us

If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, we would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts with the Adobe Fresco Community.

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