Feature summary | Adobe Fresco (November 2022 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the November 2022 release of Fresco (version 4.1).

Design marvelous fall landscapes with Kyle T. Webster's new brushes

Kyle T. Webster's fall 2022 brush collection comes with 30 new brushes, mid-century Warhol-esque inkers, dried grass, fall leaves, textures, and much more. 

You can access the new brushes from the Discover new brushes section by tapping + Add brushes in the Pixel brushes panel.

Create numerous fall wonders using Kyle T. Webster's new brush pack

To learn more about creating beautiful fall scenes, see pixel brushes.

Talk to us

If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, we would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts with the Adobe Fresco Community.

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